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Natural antibiotics for every day!

Natural antibiotics for every day! How to use them and who are they?

Each of us has touched doctor-prescribed **antibiotics**. These days, these are some of the most commonly prescribed medications, and many of us readily agree to treat ourselves or even self-medicate with an antibiotic. The frequent use of antibiotics is also the main reason for the **increased resistance of viruses** and microbes and the increasingly difficult treatment of diseases.

Natural antibiotics for every day! How to use them and who are they? Read More »

How meditation helps us feel better - benefits of meditation

How meditation helps us feel better - benefits of meditation

Scientists have now been able to peer into the brains of meditating people and have discovered a few pleasant surprises. A number of health benefits of meditation have also been found, including reducing stress, improving attention, improving memory, and even increasing creativity and feelings of compassion. But how can something as simple as focusing on a single object produce such significant results? Here, we'll present some of the growing scientific evidence about the ways in which meditation changes and improves brain function.

How meditation helps us feel better - benefits of meditation Read More »

17 foods that resemble the body parts they're good for

17 foods that resemble the body parts they're good for + bonus

Няма съмнение, че разнообразното и разумно хранене може значително да помогне да поддържаме тялото ни здраво и в добра форма. Има много изследвания за ползите от различните зеленчуци и плодове, но е много нтересно, че природата ни улеснява. А как точно?  Чрез…. формата. В тази статия съм подбрал плодове и зеленчуци, които наподобяват формата на

17 foods that resemble the body parts they're good for + bonus Read More »
