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Thought can expel any disease from a person - Petar Dunov

Thought can expel any disease from a person - Petar Dunov

These are Peter Dunov's Thoughts and Quotes from his lectures, remember them often to be healthier

Diseases are treated with thought. Thought can banish any disease from man. If one knew the laws that govern one's thought, one would overcome all one's infirmities. There is no handicap that thought cannot overcome.

If people were to concentrate their minds on a certain point, they would melt what is there. The rock would melt from the energy emanating from it human brains. People, if they know how, by concentration of thought can melt away all sorrows and diseases.

In a healthy state, the body has certain vibrations. Different diseases have different vibrations, but every disease speaks of lowered vibrations. The temperature should rise. This is done by speaking special thoughts and formulas, which man, by speaking them and bringing them into your body, change the vibrations. This is also achieved by looking at beautiful pictures, landscapes, the starry sky can also serve as a charm.

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The discouraged and the sick to look at the flickering stars with different light. From the light of the stars one can be encouraged and healed.

A man can heal himself through his thought, he says Peter Dunov. The stronger and more focused a person's thought is, the more easily he can be cured of a certain disease. It is enough for him to say one word to heal himself. There are words that have a magical effect on a person. He must also know when to speak. Everything should happen in its place and time. That's why and meditation for health on Milena Goleva has so much meaning and has helped tens of thousands of people improve their health and heal.

Diseases are due to the accumulation of foreign substances, however, through thought and will a person can throw them out of his body and get well. The more sublime the thought, the greater possibilities it hides within itself.

Strong thought cures all diseases. The Kabbalist explains healing through thought in the following way: thought is able to change the vibrations of the human body. When a person becomes ill, these vibrations are lowered; with thought he can turn them from lower to higher.

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Here are some diseases and how to think in order to heal from them

The runny nose for example, it is caused by a special kind of germs that get into the nose, and if the vibrations are lowered, they find breeding conditions. By multiplying, they irritate the mucous membrane of the nose, the nasal glands, in order to get rid of this irritation, release an abundant liquid that throws them out.

Human thought is connected to the vital electricity of life. When thoughts are positive, they attract life forces to themselves; when the thoughts are negative, these vital forces disperse, move away from the person, as a result of which disease appears.

For example, if you have an opponent who hates you, his thought towards you is very strong. He can make you negative too you will get sick.

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The law is this: if you get sick, that disease will return to him, there will be a reverse movement.

You can send your positive thoughts, your warm feelings and wishes to someone sick with absolute faith, without any hesitation or doubt, and he will get well. So, for a person to be healthy, you must send one from yourself vital current to him.

He will perceive your thought and wish and feel better. In this respect, good friends are a good fence for health, and bad friends always bring sickness and suffering.

When the will is involved, you can heal yourself. If the will is involved, you can stand for hours outside in the cold in thin clothes without catching a cold. Mentally, one can create a warm, magnetic garment, with which he will not tremble even in the worst cold. Without such a garment, without the participation of the will, no matter how well one is dressed, one can still feel cold and catch a cold.

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If someone gets rheumatism, you have to grab him, shake him a little, and start telling him he's messed up and out of his body. If the rheumatism is lodged somewhere in the shoulder, he should direct it to his elbow, then to the fingers of the hand, until he drives it out.

Diseases are treated not only with drugs, but also with thought. Thought can banish any disease from the human body. She is powerful power of thought.

If any of you is suffering from a fever, let him put into himself the thought that he wants to get well, to devote his life to the realization of a good, great work. Soon thought will begin to work in him and the fever will pass. If the idea gives him a good result and he gets well, it shows that it has worked. Every idea, every virtue that can be realized, first improves the health of man.

The Hindus have the following method of treating their wounds: they gather the prana of nature and with the help of their thought, they direct this prana to the sick place, which heals in no more than 20 minutes.

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As long as you live in the world of contradictions, you must know that you are under the law of suggestion. No mortal, not even an immortal, is free from this law. With this in mind, you will always keep positive thoughts and feelings in your mind if you want to free yourself from many painful conditions that are not yours. If you come in contact with someone who is suffering from leg pain, you too will experience the same pain.

There are days and hours when the suggestion is made reflects harmfully on the person. Then neither he should suggest nor others to him. At such times one must protect oneself from suggestion as soldiers protect themselves from their enemies with a line of fortresses.

A tumor appeared in the abdomen or somewhere else. Do not be afraid, this shows that excess energy has accumulated in one place, which must be directed somewhere outside. You will stimulate some of the healthy cells around to drive this energy out, the thought will be strong, focused and it will come to the natural state. If there is no other way out, the disease can be removed with surgery. But with strong, concentrated thought, a tumor can disappear by itself.

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By suggestion you can make even the healthiest person sick. By suggestion you can get any tumor out of the body in 24 hours. In three days you can drive out a tumor by putting the patient in a magnetic sleep. By suggestion any tumor can be removed, it all depends on the thought.

If you have a cold, think about your health. Repeat the thought often: I am healthy, and soon the runny nose will leave you. A healthy person often thinks about illness and attracts it. Do the opposite, think of health to attract and strengthen it and free yourself from disease.

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The intelligent, the good, the great in man is able to fight the germs that cause the diseases. Apply the good and positive words and thoughts as formulas that you can influence yourself with.

How do they treat tuberculosis patients today? They put them on a bed so they don't move left or right, they feed them in a special way and nothing more. No, let them leave the sick person free, if he wants to lie down, if he wants to walk, but start saying many times a day the words: I will get well, gradually increasing and reaching 1,000 to 2,000 times a day.

The first day to say these words 100 times, the second day 120 times, the third day 150 times, etc., until it reaches 1000 or 2000 times. This is how every disease, every discouragement can be cured. Thus, the heavy, dark atmosphere around the patient it lightens up, becomes bright, pleasant and he feels better and more cheerful day by day. Then all healthy people will start visiting this person.

Peter Dunov

We offer you a link to the exclusive guided meditation on Milena Goleva with music by Teodosi SpasovHeal Your Body helped thousands heal!

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