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Ten secrets of love

Ten secrets of love

Ten secrets of love, which will reveal to you how to maintain and ignite it…

First Secret of Love: The Power of Thought

– Love begins with a thought.

- We are what we think. Loving thoughts create loving lives and loving relationships.

A Story of Happiness: The Parable of Love and Time
Once upon a time there was a secluded island where all the feelings lived. Happiness, sadness, anger, trust and all

Second Secret of Love: The Power of Respect

- To love anyone, first learn to respect them.

- Above all, respect yourself.

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Third Secret of Love: The Power of Giving

– If you want to receive love, you just have to give love! The more love you give, the more you will receive.

- To love - means to give a part of yourself without conditions and without expecting anything in return. Practice kindness just like that, without expectations.

- The secret formula of love is to always pay attention not to what you can take, but to what you can give.

The wind and the flower - a wise tale about love
The wind met a beautiful flower and fell in love with it. And while he gently caressed the Flower, it reciprocated with even more

Fourth Secret of Love: The Power of Friendship

– To find true love, you must first find a true friend.

– Love does not mean looking at each other, but looking together in one direction.

Fifth Secret: The Power of Touch

secret of love - Touch is one of the most powerful manifestations of love, breaking down barriers and strengthening relationships.

– Touch changes the physical and emotional state and makes people more receptive to love.

– Touch can help heal the body and warm the heart. When you open your arms, you reveal your heart.

Sixth Secret: The Power of Letting Go

– If you love someone, set him free. If he comes back to you, then he is yours, if not, he was never yours.

– Even in the strongest love relationships, one's own personal space is necessary.

- If you want to learn to love, you must first learn to forgive and let go of old resentments, sadness, fear, prejudices and stipulations.

Devesil protects home and love from evil forces
There is hardly any other plant in Europe that has been used in the same way, whether or not

Seventh Secret: The Power of Communication

– When we learn to communicate openly and honestly, life changes.

– To love someone means to communicate with them.

– Let people know you love and appreciate them.

- Never be afraid to say the three magic words: "I love you".

- Never miss an opportunity to praise someone.

- Always part with the one you love with love - it may be the last time you see them.

I love meditation and I like myselfEighth Secret of Love: The Power of Devotion

- For it to be true love, it is necessary to be devoted to it, and this devotion is reflected in thoughts and actions.

- Devotion and faithfulness - this is the true test of love.

- In order to have a loving relationship, you need to be committed to that relationship.

- Loyalty separates strong from fragile relationships.

The day you realize how amazing you are is the day the world better back off
There are sayings or words of encouragement that you remember and use all the time. Some come from

Ninth Secret: The Power of Manifesting Feelings

- Feelings keep the fire of love going and don't let it go out. Strong feelings of love are characterized by deep devotion, enthusiasm, interest and joyful excitement.

– Feelings may flare up, recreating past situations when they were stronger.

– Spontaneity and surprises give rise to corresponding feelings.

Tenth Secret: The Power of Trust

– Trust is vital to love. Without it, one becomes suspicious, anxious and full of apprehension, while the other feels emotionally trapped, unable to breathe freely.

– It's not possible to truly love someone if you don't trust them completely.

- One way to decide if someone is right for you is to ask yourself, "Do I trust him completely and without reservation?"

Read more: You can't think about someone if they don't think about you

Read more: The words that motivate and heal us! Use them!

from "Ten secrets about love" by Adam J. Jackson

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source: spiralata.net

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