fbpx The wind and the flower - a wise tale about

The wind and the flower - a wise tale about love

The wind and the flower - a wise tale about love

The wind met a beautiful flower and fell in love with it. And as he gently caressed the Flower, it reciprocated with even more love, expressed in color and fragrance.

But this seemed a little to the Wind and he decided:

– If I give the Flower all my power and strength, it will give me back even more...

And he breathed upon the Flower with the mighty breath of his love. But the Flower could not withstand the violent passion and broke.

The wind tried to lift him up and revive him, but failed. Then he grew still and panted to the Flower with the tender breath of his love, but it withered before his eyes.

The Wind shouted then:

– I gave you all the power of my love, and you broke! It is evident that there was no power in you to love me. So you didn't love me!

But the flower did not respond. It died…

the one who loves, must remember that it is not strength and passion that measure Love, but tenderness and caring attitude. Better to hold back ten times than to break once...


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