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How to solve a problem in 10 steps

When faced with a problem, how do you solve it? Do you let it overwhelm you or do you come up with the best solution?

People who are left to their own devices often become frantic and confused. They approach thinking indiscriminately and are then amazed when they find themselves with no solution or a poor solution.

We offer you a 10-step method to use to think systematically. With this method, you develop your critical thinking and problem-solving techniques to genius levels.

1) Change the naming of the problem from a negative to a positive direction

Instead of using the word problem, use the word situation, challenge or opportunity. The more positive your language, the more confident and optimistic you will be when you face a challenge. In this way, you will be more creative and insightful in identifying creative solutions and ideas.

2) Clearly define the situation or problem

What exactly is the challenge you are facing? What causes you stress and anxiety? What makes you worry? Why are you unhappy? Write it clearly in detail.

3) Use critical thinking to approach the problem from several different angles

Ask, “What else could be the problem?” Don't settle for a superficial answer. Look for the root cause of the problem instead of getting distracted by the symptom. Approach the problem from several different directions. Consider different solutions, as there are likely multiple solutions to the same problem.

4) Clearly define the ideal solution to the problem

What exactly will you achieve with the solution? What ingredients should it contain? What would your ideal solution to this problem look like? Define the parameters clearly.

5) Choose the best solution to solve the challenge

Choose the best solution by comparing your various possible solutions against your problem on the one hand and your ideal solution on the other. What is the best thing to do under the circumstances?

6) Prepare for the worst possible outcome and how to overcome it.

Before implementing the solution, ask, “What's the worst possible thing that could happen if this solution doesn't work?” If your solution doesn't work, be prepared to accept that and try something else.

7) Measure your progress

Determine measures of your decision. How will you know you're making progress? How will you measure success? How will you compare the success of this solution to the success of another solution?

8) Take full responsibility for your decision

Accept full responsibility for the implementation of the decision. Many of the most creative ideas never come to fruition because no one is given specific responsibility for implementing the decision.

9) Set a deadline for when things need to be resolved

A decision without a deadline is a pointless discussion. If it's a major decision and will take some time to complete, set a series of short-term deadlines and a schedule.

With deadlines and sub-deadlines, you'll immediately know if you're on track or behind. You can then use your creative thinking to relieve additional points.

10) Take action and solve your problem

I'm busy. I'm leaving. Develop a sense of urgency. The faster you move in the direction of your clearly defined goals, the more creative you will be. Take action, embrace the energy, and you'll develop your ability to achieve even more in the future.

You can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle or achieve any goal you set by using your wonderful creative mind and then take action consistently and persistently until you reach your goal. Success is the mark of a creative thinker, and when you use your ability to think creatively, your success can be limitless.

We also show you a wonderful video by Milena Goleva - How to solve our problems:

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