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Peter Dunov

You can't think about someone if they don't think about you

You can't think about someone if he doesn't think about you - Thoughts of Petar Dunov

After Petar Dunov's thoughts on success and the woman's mission, we have selected 15 more Thoughts of Petar Dunov - the Teacher, which can be useful to us every day. Read them and think about how simple things really can be. If we ourselves ask, of course... 1. "You can't think about someone if they don't

You can't think about someone if he doesn't think about you - Thoughts of Petar Dunov Read More »

Petar Dunov: You could cure all diseases with water!

Petar Dunov: You could cure all diseases with water!

Many people suffer from lack of water in the body. Moisture, water is the cause of body heat. Lack of water cools the body. A lot of water heats it up.

A person needs to live correctly, to use the energies that come from the sun wisely, in order to create a healthy, pleasant atmosphere around the person. If he lives well, a person attracts to himself the currents that come from the sun and forms an oasis, a source of life and strength.

Petar Dunov: You could cure all diseases with water! Read More »

Petar Dunov: What to eat on different days of the week

Petar Dunov: What to eat on different days of the week

According to Petar Dunov, certain foods should be taken every day of the week, as the different planets affect their growth. It is precisely because of this that on the day of the respective planet we can use to the fullest what nature has invested in each fruit.

Here are the foods to focus on on different days of the week:

Monday - the day of the Moon - take green foods - lapad

Petar Dunov: What to eat on different days of the week Read More »
