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Petar Dunov: You could cure all diseases with water!

Petar Dunov: You could cure all diseases with water!

Many people suffer from lack of water in the body. Moisture, water is the cause of body heat. Lack of water cools the body. A lot of water heats it up.

One needs to live correct, to wisely use the energies that come from the sun in order to create a healthy, pleasant atmosphere around the person. If he lives well, a person attracts to himself the currents that come from the sun and forms an oasis, a source of life and strength.

If you want any medicines, either as remedies or purgatives, I will recommend the following: drink 2-3 liters of clean hot water per day. If you are on foot, carry your own water. Carrying water has a beneficial effect on the body. Also, take deep breaths to expand your lungs. Hot water, taken in sips, cleans the nervous system of deposits that clog a person's thoughts and feelings. It frees him from the tension that the nervous system produces on him.

Water treatment

I say: the most powerful medicine in the world is the hot water. And if we know where the best springs are, it is necessary to bring it from there, even if they are at a distance of 5-10 km. Modern people do not know what power is contained in water.

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water treatment

Modern man does not know how to drink water and in what quantity. Every organism needs a certain amount of water to be contained in the cells themselves, to maintain its moisture. If it loses its moisture, the organism is exposed to drying. Such people are usually nervous, dry, irritable. Without internal moisture and external water, a person cannot cleanse his body of external and internal layers. If these sediments remain in the body, they will become the cause of unwanted diseases. If you want not to get sick, keep in your mind the thought of the beneficial effect of water on the body. Drink water consciously and do not think about diseases. Keep in your mind the thought of your health, of the beautiful and the great in life, and fear nothing.

Nature has set billions of windows in the human organism - the pores through which the vital energy that constantly renews it can penetrate. These windows must always be clean and open, so that there is a proper exchange between the outside and the inside air. If the windows become dirty, if they become clogged with various sediments, the organism is already exposed to diseases.

The pores of the body are opened by water, which causes sweating. Magical power is hidden in water - it cleans the body, dissolves sediments, is a good conductor of magnetism. In known diseases, they recommend rubbing the body until it sweats. Sweat is caused by a reasonable force that wants to show you that all the pores of the body must be opened.

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The first treatment, which requires sweating, washing the body. Sweating is best done by drinking hot, boiling water, 1 to 10 cups at most. By drinking hot water, it comes out through the pores, opens them and thereby restores the state of health. Pores are channels, openings of the soul. The soul breathes through the pores. Through the lungs, a specific respiration takes place, and through the pores of the skin, a general respiration takes place. And when specific and general breathing go in parallel, a person is healthy.

Water is highly intelligent and sensible, it refreshes and refreshes. Future physiologists will explain one of the great properties of water, with which people will be able to heal themselves.

Many neurasthenics suffer from lack of water in the body, from very little moisture; others suffer from stagnant water that does not circulate in the body because it is clogged.

You will take the glass of water, look at it, bring it to your lips and take just one sip with your mouth. As long as you drink it, you will think only of her. This is the only way water purifies the body. Only in this way does she bring the Divine good into man. You will take the water internally for purification.

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Modern people take water baths externally, but their results are poor. If a person does not regularly take an indoor bath with clean water 3 times a day — in the morning, at noon and in the evening — he cannot count on any hygiene. As you perceive water, so will you perceive light and air. This means to be healthy, settled, satisfied.

Due to an unnatural life, a person has accumulated lactic and uric acid in his body, which have a harmful effect on the heart and blood circulation. Then he'll toss and turn in bed for hours, unable to sleep. How will he sleep in this position? In order to sleep, he needs to improve his blood circulation. For this purpose, at least twice a week, he should induce sweating by drinking water; will drink several glasses of hot water in which he can squeeze a few drops of lemon. After sweating well, he will wipe his body with a damp cloth and change his clothes. He will sweat again, wipe himself again with a dry towel, and so on until the sweat stops. Then let him drink another half or one glass of hot water, it helps to free the blood from the lactic and uric acid accumulated in it. To be healthy, a person must have absolutely pure blood.

There is no better medicine in the world than warm water, but you must know how to boil it; the surest medicine is warm water; quinine is worth nothing to water.

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You will take pure spring water, you will put it on a strong fire, in a vessel of the purest gold, you will boil it at sunrise or when the Sun is at its zenith. Other drugs only cover up the disease; the most powerful medicine in the world is hot water. People should know that water is the first element of life and always drink clean and fresh water. Life is hidden in water. And when it disappears from your body, it dries up, and so does the skin. Acidic people by nature have little water in their body and phlegmatic people have stagnant water in their body. Water in the body must be in a current state.

Quinine stops the fever, but does not cure it. Instead of using quinine, drink hot water for three days without eating, and the fever will leave you. This is also how a runny nose is treated.

Water cures all ills in the world; see what effect water has on the organism of some irritated, ill-tempered person. In what way? By drinking hot water or by washing the body.

Plague is treated with hot water. The plague patient should be separated from the healthy and given a glass of hot water every hour. By drinking water, the serum in the blood, which serves as food for the microbes, is diluted, and they gradually stop multiplying. No food should be consumed during the illness. Man's relationship with God represents a force that reflects on microbes like electric lightning. Thus, attacked from both sides by shelling and starvation, they cease to reproduce and die. 24 hours of intensive warfare with plague germs is enough to force them out of the body. Diseases are nothing but man's war with lower beings.

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I treat cholera with hot water. Give a cholera patient 4-5 cups of boiling water and the next day he will be healthy. Boiling water dilutes the serum in which the cholera bacilli feed—and in 24 hours they shrink and die.

Influenza comes to take the excess ballast from human minds and hearts; if it comes, drink hot water, eat boiled potatoes and don't be afraid.

If you have a headache, you will drink three glasses of hot water in sips. Then you will take a purgative; after emptying your stomach, you will take a warm bath and go to bed. You will sit in the bathroom for a while. If your stomach hurts, your head will surely suffer, and vice versa. A person suffers from a headache sometimes and from insufficient blood in the head - in the brain. Indeed, there should not be much blood in the head, but not less than necessary.

When blood vessels in a person lose their plasticity, their agility, they get sick atherosclerosis. Whoever wants to preserve his health, prolong his life, he must preserve the mobility of his body. For this purpose, one should not overeat and drink hot water, which helps to dissolve the sediments that form during eating.

If anyone is suffering from stomach ache, let him try this: in the morning, drink 10 sips of hot water every 5 minutes, doing this several times, the stomach ache will disappear.

If you have heartburn, take castor oil or drink hot water to get rid of the difficulty.

If you are unwell, take a warm bath. Water has a magnetic effect on the body.

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If you catch a cold, put hot compresses on the sore spot. Dip a piece of cotton in boiling water and quickly place it on the sore spot for 1-2 minutes. Then again put it in boiling water and from there on the sore spot. By doing this compress ten times, the pain will go away.

It's okay to do them partial washings, sometimes they are even preferred over entire bathrooms. For weak and sick people, Louis Kuhne recommends sitting baths, washing only one half of the body and leaving the other half dry. If one day you wash up to the waist, the next day you will wash from the waist down, or if you wash your face in the morning, at noon you will wet your head a little at the back. In this way, a proper metabolism is induced in the body. Proper washing of the feet will affect the hands and vice versa. By washing your feet and hands, do not hurry an hour sooner to wash them. A quick wash shows a misunderstanding of the law.

Dip your feet in the water and sit in this position. Mentally wash your feet until you feel some pleasantness, some reaction in your hands. Then slowly wash your feet. By washing in this way, the forces in the body are distributed correctly. Someone took a warm bath and then took a cold shower. These drastic changes on the body are not for the common man, they are only for the gods. He who is not muddy, should take warm baths, letting the energies of heat act on the body. The cold showers you find in nature are good, but only under certain conditions, namely the rain baths in May, June, July, half of August at the most. If you cannot take rain baths, take warm water of 34-40 degrees, close to the body's natural heat. It is good that rain baths are not done directly on the body, but through some thin clothing. Never wash your feet with cold water, especially after eating.

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If the amount of salt in the human body is more than it should be, it is necessary to expel the excess amount outside. This is done by sweating. Water is the bearer of life, but not salt. You will eat a little salt.

Nature does not tolerate cold showers, cold baths. Warm baths are preferable to cold ones.

Some recommend cold compresses, others warm compresses. When cold compresses are placed on the sore spot, capillary vessels constrict, as a result of which special reactions are caused in the body. If warm compresses are applied to the painful area, the reactions are beneficial. Warm water causes blood vessels to dilate, as a result of which blood circulation improves.

When someone is extremely excited and nervous, they can take a cold shower. Water frees a person from excess energy in his body. For an angry person, the water temperature should be above ten degrees. In order to deal with his anger, he must take at least six cold showers during the year - this way he will balance the forces of his body. An angry person loses some of his energy, which is hard to come by. A reasonable person saves his energy, does not spend it indiscriminately, an angry person gets old faster.

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When you have a cold, you warm some water, you put salt in it and let it snort several times from the salt water. A few more sniffs should be taken in the evening and the next morning. After 2-3 sniffs, the runny nose goes away. Salt water prevents the reproduction of the microbes that cause runny noses.

If you can't sleep for a long time, wipe your body with a towel dipped in warm water and go to bed.

You should know that rain in the mountains in July is a great blessing. Such a rain bath is equivalent to a hundred ordinary baths. Every drop of rain in July is full of electricity and magnetism.

From May to mid-July, every day it rains, you'll be exposed to the rain until you're thoroughly soaked. Then you will return home and wipe your body with a clean towel, change into dry clothes, drink 1-2 cups of hot water.

The dew should be collected in bottles and sealed with wax, for healing it should be collected. Early in the morning on perfectly clear days when the Moon is full in May and June.

How can drunkenness be treated? Make the drunkard drink 2-3 liters of water a day and he will be cured. In the process of his treatment, he should start with the smallest amount of water and gradually increase: the first day he should drink one glass of water, the second day — 2 glasses, the third day — 3 glasses, then 4, 5, 6 glasses until he reaches up to 15 — 20 cups a day. If he follows these instructions, he will soon give up the use of spirits. When the drunkard loves water, he will stop drinking wine and brandy.

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Washing is a sacred act. You'll wash slowly, with focus—you'll take a clean basin, run some cool water, give your face a good splash, blot the moisture very lightly with a soft towel. You will splash your face hard with water, but lightly, gently, as if you were caressing it.

The face is gentle and responsive and therefore you will barely touch it. After washing, you'll look around and if you're not happy with your face, you'll wash it again. Before and after finishing each job, you will wash your hands, and at least your face ten times a day you have to wash it.

The water with which you washed your face, throw it on the flowers, on the trees, in no case where people pass or in unclean places.

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When you go to a clean spring, you will wash your hands and feet away from it, sprinkle your head, drink some water, but you must not throw stones or other objects into it. This also applies to rivers, lakes, wells.

Washing the various parts of the body produces mental changes in the brain. You can not only literally be serve with the healing water, but also mentally using it, it will produce the same effect. For example, you want to take a water bath on your spine, you will imagine a fountain far away from you, go there, pour water into a pitcher, come back, take off your clothes and water your back.

You will absorb the moisture with a soft cloth.

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Source: www.zajenata.bg

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