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health benefits of meditation

6 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation

Популярността на медитацията се увеличава, тъй като все повече хора откриват нейните ползи. Медитацията е процес на обучение на ума ви да фокусира и пренасочва мислите си. Можете да го използвате, за да увеличите информираността за себе си и заобикалящата ви среда. Много хора от друга страна го смятат за начин за намаляване на стреса

6 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation Read More »

How meditation helps us feel better - benefits of meditation

How meditation helps us feel better - benefits of meditation

Scientists have now been able to peer into the brains of meditating people and have discovered a few pleasant surprises. A number of health benefits of meditation have also been found, including reducing stress, improving attention, improving memory, and even increasing creativity and feelings of compassion. But how can something as simple as focusing on a single object produce such significant results? Here, we'll present some of the growing scientific evidence about the ways in which meditation changes and improves brain function.

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What will happen when you start meditating? Benefits of meditation

What will happen when you start meditating? Benefits of meditation

Какво ще се случи, когато започнеш да медитираш дори само по 20 минути на ден за няколко седмици! Предимства на медитацията: Здраве: – благоприятен ефект върху всички системи в човешкото тяло – ендокринна, сърдечно-съдова, нервна, отделителна, кръвоносна, дихателнаи т.н. – подсилва имунната система – повишава енергията – коригира високо кръвно налягане и нормализира работата на сърдечно-съдовата

What will happen when you start meditating? Benefits of meditation Read More »

Meditation is a vitamin for the soul

Meditation is a vitamin for the soul - Milena Goleva

Meditation is a vitamin for the soul

A meditative technique with the breath

The meaning of the Latin word _meditatio_ translated from Latin means contemplation. This word is increasingly entering our everyday life.

We live in dynamic times. On a daily basis, our minds and senses are literally bombarded with information that is almost impossible to assimilate. We live fast, eat fast, communicate fast, move fast. We are dealing with several things at the same time… read more here

Meditation is a vitamin for the soul - Milena Goleva Read More »
