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law of attraction

This is how the law of attraction works

The law of attraction works like this: you stop the things you want by thinking about their lack. Think you've got 'em, and you'll have 'em

Esther Hicks is an American writer and lecturer. She, along with her husband, Jerry Hicks, have authored a series of books on the teachings of Abraham, presenting the Law of Attraction and the mechanisms by which it operates. Today we are going to share with you some quotes that will help you on your way to fulfilling your desires and achieving the life you dream of…

The law of attraction works like this: you stop the things you want by thinking about their lack. Think you've got 'em, and you'll have 'em Read More »

Are you ready to have Vadim Zeland

Are you ready to have?

Да допуснем, че имате амбициозното желание да станете звезда или милионер. Готови ли сте да си го позволите? Готови ли сте да имате? Обикновено хората смятат, че славата, парите или властта са участ на избрани. А кой ги избира? На първо място – те самите, а после вече всички останали. Ако мечтаете за нещо, но

Are you ready to have? Read More »
