The only thing we have to fear / Reflections, Wisdom / By Nikola Belopitov The only thing, what should we fearis fear itself. Franklin RooseveltFacebook CommentsShare with a friend: Join our happy community:Join (#4)Your emailYour name❤️ JOIN ❤️
Learn not to tell anyone and then you'll be fine! – Bernard Shaw's Rules 2 Comments / Interesting people, Reflections, Wisdom / By Nikola Belopitov Learn not to tell anyone and then you'll be fine! Bernard Shaw's Rules
Generous New Moon Grants Wishes! Life in ABUNDANCE! by Milena Goleva 6 Comments / Wisdom, Road to happiness / By Milena Goleva Did you dream as a child to have a magic lamp like the one from the tale of Aladdin and to work miracles with it? Me too! Ah...
I want to live my next life backwardsReflections, Wisdom, Road to happiness / By I want to live my next life backwards. By appearing I solve the problem of death. Then I wake up in a nursing home and start to…
THE LESSONS OF THE BUDDHAInteresting people, Wisdom, Road to happiness / By Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, simply called Buddha, was a spiritual teacher from India who founded Buddhism. Did you know that "buddha" is actually a title that is…
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