In these mark twain quotes we have selected bits of his wisdom and humor for you
Definitely nothing, which cannot happen today.
Once in a lifetime Fortuna knocks on everyone's door, but at that time the person may be in a nearby pub and not hear.
We all live under cover of the cowardice we call our principles.
Speak the truth and then you won't have to remember anything.
Memorable quotes of Omar Khayyam
I never allowed school classes to interfere with my education.
Some say that between the man and the donkey it makes no difference – it's unfair to the donkey.
Thank God we have three advantages in this country: freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the prudence to never use them.
Adam was a most ordinary man. He wanted the apple not for its own sake, but because it was forbidden. If the snake had been forbidden, he would have eaten it.
If a king crosses with a prostitute, the result will be exactly what corresponds to the English idea of a nobleman.
Julia Roberts' Inspirational Quotes
If I have done any work, it was because I felt it as a game. If I had to work, I would never get anything done.
Wrinkles should indicate only those places where there used to be smiles.
Always does the right thing. This will please some, and the rest will be amazed.
If you argue with an idiot, the probability that he will do exactly the same is very high - Mark Twain
Every man, like the moon has its unsanctified side that it does not show to anyone.
Having courage does not mean not being afraid – this means being afraid and yet having the will to continue.
A woman's sense is far more accurate than a man's confidence - Quotes by Rudyard Kipling
Beware of people who try to belittle your aspirations. Little people always do that, and truly great people make you feel like you can become great too.
Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience - this is the ideal life.
Until you learn keep your mouth shut - they fell out.
The truth is the most expensive thing, which we own. Let's save her!
Coco Chanel's golden life quotes
This is a classic, which everyone wishes they had read, but no one wants to read.
When in doubt, tell the truth.
Few of us can to bear happiness - I mean the happiness of my neighbor.
There is no parallel in the world, who is not convinced that he can become an equator, as long as they give him the right to do so.
Easiest thing in the world is to quit smoking. I've done it thousands of times myself.
I don't want to spoil myself relations with neither heaven nor hell. I have friends in both places.
50 wise quotes that will inspire you to seek success in your life
Don't put anything off until tomorrow, if you can postpone it until the day after tomorrow.
Never be punctual – you waste a lot of time while waiting for the other.
Only this humor survives, which arose from the truths of life.
Better keep your mouth shut and let people think you foolish than to open it and dispel all doubts.
After twenty years you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did.
In my opinion, heavenly father invented man because he was disappointed with the ape.
10 Inspirational Thoughts on the Meaning of Happiness
The secret source of humor is not joy but sadness.
Sadness is enough in itself, but to be truly enjoyed it must be shared with others.
Often the safest way for misinformation – is strictly to stick to the bare truth.
Man is the only animal, able to blush. After all, only he has to.
A person with common sense can to be happy because he sees reality and knows how terrible it is.
Noise proves nothing. A hen that has laid an egg sometimes clucks as loudly as if she had laid a small planet.
Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated.
Your happiness does not depend on anyone else! Take responsibility yourself!
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