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The important lessons we need to teach our children

The important lessons we need to teach our children

For now, the school does not deal with the personal development of the children. I hope that someday the focus of education will shift from the learning of information to the personal and spiritual development of little heroes.
The fact is that there are many people with a solid education who are not emotionally and spiritually aware, which prevents them from being happy. Degrees do not make us better and do not give us answers to the most important questions in our lives.

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The Christmas letter you should reread every year. Nobody owes you anything

The Christmas letter you should reread every year. Nobody owes you anything

The Christmas letter you should reread every year

Harry Brown's famous letter to his 9-year-old daughter

52 years ago, back in 1966, Harry Brown - a financial analyst and motivational speaker, wrote a letter for Christmas to his 9-year-old daughter, which is more than relevant even today._

The Christmas letter you should reread every year. Nobody owes you anything Read More »

13 Great Lessons from the Dalai Lama

13 Great Lessons from the Dalai Lama

Далай Лама – Тенцин Гяцо е духовен водач не само на будистите в Тибет, Монголия, Тува и др., но е възприеман като велик мислител от милиони хора по света. Роден е в Тибет през 1935 г. През 1989 г. получава Нобелова награда за мир за делото си, посветено на мирната борба за автономия на Тибет. Подбрахме

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