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The alkaline-acid balance and 10 ways to restore it

The alkaline-acid balance and 10 ways to restore it

Acid-base balance (the body's acidity) is one of the things our bodies are particularly sensitive to. The unit of measure for alkalinity or acidity is called the hydrogen indicator pH (from the English potential hydrogen). The hydrogen indicator pH is a measure of the amount and activity of hydrogen ions in a given solution.

Alkalinity kills all diseases.

"No disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment." - Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize laureate in 1931 for the discovery of cancer.

In many people, the level of acidity of the body is high. This is a typical result of consuming convenience foods, refined sugar, as well as GMOs.

However, not everyone is aware that an acidic environment is ideal for the development of cancer, obesity, pain and many diseases.

Fortunately, to create an alkaline environment in the body is very easy. An alkaline environment is the complete opposite of an acidic environment.

Here are 10 ways to naturally restore the body's alkaline-acid balance:

1. The most important thing is to start your day with a smile and a large glass of water with the addition of fresh juice from one lemon. Although lemons are acidic, they have the opposite effect on the body. Drink this drink on an empty stomach to cleanse it.

Another option – drink 1-2 cups of natural apple cider vinegar with water daily. It is enough to mix 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar with 220 ml of water.

2. Eat large portions of salad vegetables seasoned with lemon juice and high quality olive oil. Green vegetables and fruits are one of the best sources of alkaline trace elements such as calcium for example. Eat them throughout the day to maintain a healthy alkaline-acid pH balance in the body.

3. Eat raw unsalted almonds for breakfast. They contain many alkaline minerals such as magnesium and calcium, which restore the acid-base balance and normalize blood sugar.

4. Drink almond milk and make cereal shakes with a green powder like spirulina. If you have a choice, almond milk is always preferable to cow's milk.

5. Go for walks or play sports. Physical activity is essential. It helps to remove acidic products from the body.

6. Breathe deeply. Ideally, you should find a place with fresh, oxygenated air and visit it whenever you can. There (and not only there), you need to drink a lot of water to remove the slags from your body.

7. Don't eat meat every day. If you can go a few days without meat - great, because eating meat every day leaves acid deposits behind.

8. Avoid high sugar desserts and sugary sodas. Sugar is one of the most dangerous acidic products. It takes more than 30 glasses of water to neutralize the acidity of one bottle of soda!

9. Include more vegetables in your menu. Note: potatoes do not count! Peppers, asparagus, zucchini and eggplant are very useful.

10. Finally, eat lots of Brussels sprouts. It perfectly restores the alkaline-acid balance in the body and contains many nutrients and useful enzymes.

Share these helpful tips with your friends and family!

And here are Elena Roerich's golden recipes with soda


Source: otbaba

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