fbpx What you run from is what
What you run from is what you attract into your life by Milena Goleva

What you run from is what you attract into your life by Milena Goleva

Come on try it! Try to escape from, what annoys you. It is exactly the same as throwing a boomerang. To launch it with all your might away from you. Have you tried? Do you know the feeling? Yes! He will be with you again soon. And you throw it again, exerting all your strength, giving your all. And he comes back even faster. Why does this happen? Well, because you constantly hold what you don't want in your thoughts, emotions and vibrations.

What an irony, right? There's something you don't like. Not him you want in life you are You decide to get away, to remove it, to run away. And ... oh "miracle"! Before long you find yourself in the same place. Exactly you. In the very place you wanted to get away from. Are you familiar? Ask yourself: What is it that you are running from? And you will learn what is coming in your life. Because what you're running from is coming back to you. That's the way it is. Yes! You will succeed temporarily. You will temporarily solve the problem. You will probably even free yourself from an unpleasant grip. But very soon you will find yourself in the same situation with other people. With the same person, but with a different name. With the same problems, but under different circumstances. And then you start to think that bad luck is chasing you everywhere. But the truth is that you yourself attract everything. You are the one calling this on-again, off-again scene. Because running away is not a solution. If you just run away, but without changing yourself, it will all come crashing down on you again. Every problem that comes into your life is a sign for you that you have something to work on yourself. Problems are not punishment. They are like road signs that guide you. And if you don't read the road signs, you get lost and the road will lead you to a dead end again and again. You will go around in a vicious circle until you change something. The more you run from something, the more likely it is to come back. And every next time it will come more and more grotesque and more and more repulsive.

A mechanical escape is not a solution. It's just a shallow and limp attempt to cope. Because what you are trying to do are external cosmetic corrections. And they work temporarily. The real corrections are the ones there, deep inside you. Stop it! To look at the problem directly. Ask yourself why is it there? Why is he in your life? What about you attracts him? What is it that you have to learn?

The faster and harder you run from something. That's how much faster you'll draw him back to you.


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Learn more about Milena Goleva's collection of meditations here:

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