fbpx Marva Ohanyan: Death comes from the intestines!

Marva Ohanyan: Death comes from the intestines!

Advice from the experienced doctor and naturopath Marva Ohanyan will help you improve your health and avoid diseases dangerous to the heart, liver and stomach

Marva Ohanyan is a naturopathic doctor, biochemist and professional with 45 years of experience. This wise woman believes that seemingly incurable diseases such as cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure can be overcome by quite simple and affordable methods. The main task is to understand the origin of the majority of modern diseases!

The basis of the theory of medicine is biochemistry.

Biochemistry helps to study the processes of metabolism, which is responsible for almost everything that happens in our body. Marva Ohanyan glorifies biochemistry in all her lectures. She believes that every reasonable person should be aware of the basics of biochemistry, just as we all know the basics of mathematics, for example.

If we can analyze what we eat on a daily basis, we will be able to find the shortcut to our health.

Everything is very simple, says Marva Ohanyan. If we eat food that gives us energy, we will be able to use up that energy. We will have the power to do it. Junk food will cause decay and stagnation in our body.

Marva Ohanyan

Modern medicine treats only the symptoms

This point of view is described by Marva Ohanian in the book "Environmental Medicine: The Future Development of Civilization".

Many of the diseases that plague us today began in childhood. According to Marva Ohanyan, we have turned into chronic diseases that we could have gotten rid of in childhood. And although she trusts science, Marva Ohanyan says that modern people are in a hurry to use a large part of medicines, such as antibiotics for example.

A powerful recipe for treatment and cleansing of the body by Marva Ohanyan

Marva Ohanyan is a therapist, doctor of medical sciences, biochemist with 45 years of experience Marva Ohanyan is an author

Give your body a chance to fight for its health, appeals the famous doctor

If we use strong medicine for minor illnesses, what should we use to fight serious illnesses? They're cramming kids with antibiotics, and when these grown kids get cancer, drug therapy can't help them. And they, disheartened by medicine, will turn to alternative methods of treatment.

Give Nature a chance to heal the child so that Science can help when health is seriously threatened!

Death comes from the gut, says Marva Ohanyan,

and it literally is! If people knew and used simple and easy rules for cleansing the intestines, they would live happier lives. The older a person gets, the more waste he accumulates.

Simply put - everything that remains in the intestines prevents us from living normally, not only from going regularly when we need to.

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Food is a boon that modern life has turned into a great evil. The way many people eat today is a health crime.

Children today are often sick because of the food they eat, because of the way they are taught to eat. For example, in Switzerland, in kindergartens, children eat more salads, fruits and tea with honey. This, according to Marva Ohanyan, is enough for the kids to be full, as well as for their physical and mental health.

Marva Ohanyan is convinced that all thermally processed foods are lifeless and harmful. It is important that the chemistry of food and the biochemistry of the body are in harmony.

In winter, of course, it is difficult to eat live, raw food, but in summer we can have more such days. Every food has a pharmacological effect on the body. But the positive effect is only when it is in accordance with our biochemistry.

If a person develops his ecological consciousness, he will not put up with the nonsense that is currently happening in the world. He will put more time and effort into growing and preparing his own food instead of paying for the poisons they sell in the store, says Marva Ohanyan.

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Source: lekuva.net

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