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Love and time - a magnificent parable

Love and time - a magnificent parable

Once upon a time there was an island where all feelings lived. Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge and all others, including Love. One day the feelings were told that the island would sink, so they all prepared their boats and set sail. Only Love insisted on staying until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

Wealth passed by Love... Love said:

- Wealth, take me with you.

- I can't - replied the Wealth... - I have a lot of gold on my ship and there is no room for you.

Love decided to ask Vanity, who also passed in a beautiful ship:

– Vanity, please help me.

- I can't help you, Love, you're all wet and you might damage my ship. - replied Vanity.

Sadness was nearby, so Love asked her:

- Sadness, let me run away with you.

- I can't, Love. I'm so sad I need to be alone.

Happiness also passed by Love, but was so happy that he didn't even hear when Love called him. Suddenly a voice was heard:

- Come, Love, I will take you with me!

The voice was that of an unknown adult. Love was so excited and happy that she forgot to ask his name. When they reached land, he continued on his way. Love, realizing how much she owed him, asked Knowledge:

- Who helped me?

- Time helped you - answered Knowledge.

– The weather? - Love wondered, - But why did Time help me?

Knowledge smiled and answered:

- Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is!

Read more: When you start loving yourself, you start living


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