fbpx The man of the new age equally strongly

The man of the new age equally strongly masters the matter and the spirit by Milena Goleva

I remember the time when topics about spirituality, about the soul, about energy, were taboo topics. Everyone was excited about them, but they were only discussed in closed groups. It was a time when we lived only immersed in matter and behaved as if nothing else existed. There was no literature on the subject (it was distributed only apocryphally), no information, no seminars, no articles.

After that, it was as if everything "opened up" and we were flooded with all kinds of literature, trainings, seminars, courses began to be held. And it's like we've started to stagger to the exact opposite extreme. To act as if we are only that invisible part of us and matter does not exist. Moreover, spirituality became so key that people began to separate, divorce, and even a symbol for a spiritual person is someone who dresses in torn and dirty clothes. Moreover, the more torn and dirty the clothes, the more spiritual the person.

And is it so? Why then are we both body and spirit? And if we are only here to develop our spiritual side why are we stuffed into bodies? Isn't the body a matter that is just as challenging to care for as that invisible part of us?

Any wobble at one of the two extremes is not ok. You've seen a lot of them. Me too! Like people who behave and live like matter doesn't exist and doesn't matter. So are others who categorically live as if everything they cannot touch and see does not exist. Yes, but we know that energy builds matter. That the visible and the invisible are two sides of the same thing (at least here on this planet it is). That neither is more important than the other. And only when we build the two in parallel, we can truly live fully. Of course, everyone goes their own way. Most of us have probably experienced these extremes in our own way. Isn't that the only way to find a healthy balance?

I can tell you one thing for sure. Every time you neglect one of these aspects of yourself, circumstances will come into your life that prompt you to regain your balance. Every time you get lost in one of the extremes, you will feel an emptiness deep inside you.

Because the man of the new race is equally strong in the dimension of matter and in the world of spirit. He lives equally fully in the world outside and in his inner world. He is in a harmonious relationship both with others and with himself. He manages the vibrational energy and flow of his life with equal success. This person is firmly planted on Earth, but also has a strong connection with the universe. He develops both matter and spirit daily. He lives a spiritual life in the world of matter.

He rules both the visible and the invisible.

Don't allow yourself to live as if only one part of you exists. You are much more than this body. But your body also has a healthy need for your attention.

It is very important to develop both spirit and matter. They are not something separate from each other. They are the two sides of your being. Developing only spirituality and neglecting matter is not ok. Diving into matter and acting like nothing else exists just because you can't see it is not ok. The balance is gone. This is one of the greatest challenges facing modern man. Many people staggered to extremes and upset the balance. The real thing is for a person to be equally strong in both the spiritual and material worlds. Through spirit to tame matter. And through matter to master the spirit.

It's like having your own two feet firmly planted. One leg is matter, the other is spirit. Both are important to you.

To move through life, to go through challenges, you need both points of support. Step boldly! And go ahead!



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