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The Four Laws of Spirituality

The Four Laws of Spirituality

The Four Laws of Spirituality

1. „Whoever you meet is the right one.

This means that no one comes into our lives by accident. Everyone around us, everyone we come in contact with, teaches us something or helps us deal with the situation we are in.

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A gentleman walks through an elephant camp and notices that the elephants are not kept in cages

2. „Whatever happened is the only thing that could have happened.

Absolutely everything we have experienced could not have happened any other way. This also applies to the smallest detail. You can't say, "If I had done it differently, it would have been different." No! What happened was the only thing that could and should have happened in order for us to learn our lesson and move on. Every situation that happens in our life is absolutely the right one, even if it provokes our understandings and our egos.

The meaning of human existence, according to the Dervishes, is to know ourselves

The dervishes greet each other with an incredible for us expression "Ashkolsun!". We understand it as "Bravo!", b

3. „Everything begins when it should begin.

Everything starts at the right moment, neither earlier nor later. When we are ready for something new in our lives, it is also there, ready to begin.

4. „What's over is over.

When something in our life ends, it helps our development. Therefore, enriched by our recent experiences, it is better to come out of them and move on. It is no accident that you are reading these words. If they touched you in some way, then it was necessary and you realized that even every snowflake falls where it should.

Read more: Lessons from the Universe: The Rule of Three Signals

35 Benefits of Yoga

Practicing yoga provides so many benefits and advantages that I will not go into lengthy explanations

Source: za-men.eu

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