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If life is a game, these are the rules

If life is a game, these are the rules

"Life is a series of lessons that must be experienced to be understood." -Helen Keller

The Ten Rules for Life by Dr. Cheri Carter-Scott in her book If Life Is a Game, These Are the Rules.

The ten rules are:

1. You will get a body.

2. You will learn lessons.

3. There are no mistakes, only lessons.

4. The lesson is repeated until learned.

5. There is no end to learning lessons.

6. "There" is not better than "Here".

7. Others are only mirrors that reflect us.

8. How you live your life is up to you.

9. All the answers are inside you.

10. With your birth, you will forget all this.

1. You will get a body

Like it or hate it, it will be yours for as long as you are on this earth.

Your body is the home of your soul.

Although you will travel together throughout your life, you and your body will remain completely different in nature.

Your body is a buffer between you and the world around you.

You will receive your first life lessons from him.

Allow your body to experience the pleasures of life.

Pleasure is the physical expression of joy.

Do not deny yourself entertainment, do not deny yourself joy: it is the food of the soul.

The challenge of Rule 1 is to achieve harmony with your body so that it can serve you fully and teach you acceptance, self-respect, respect and contentment with yourself.

Acceptance: "I have found that when we love, accept and approve of ourselves as we are, we can achieve anything in life." - Louise Hay.

Self-esteem: “No one can make you feel mediocre without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.

Respect: “The body is your vehicle in life. While you are here, you will live in it. Love him, respect him, honor him and cherish him. Treat it well, that it may serve you well.” – Susie Proudhon.

Pleasure: "Being glad to be alive is not a sin." - Bruce Springsteen.

2. You will learn lessons

You're enrolled in the all-day informal school called Life.

Every day you will have the opportunity to learn lessons.

Some of these lessons you may not like; others you may hate;

others may seem irrelevant and stupid to you.

These lessons are part of your personal curriculum.

Each of us has our own purpose and follows our own curriculum, unique and independent. To be mastered, the lessons must be experienced. Accept every person as your teacher and every situation as another lesson.

The challenge of Rule 2 is to follow only your own path, learning your personal lessons. Then you will be able to uncover the mystery of your destiny and fulfill it. You will stop experiencing yourself as a victim of fate or someone's hatred and you will establish control over your own life.

As you struggle to discover and know yourself, you will learn the important lessons of openness, choice, fairness, and ease.

Openness: “When experience is rightly interpreted, it leads to the gates of the realm of the soul.” – Jon Kabat-Zen.

Choice: “Before the Sun and the Moon I solemnly declare that I will do what my heart bids, and what brings joy to my soul.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Justice: "I cried about having no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet." - unknown author.

Casualness: “When you follow your destiny, you feed your soul.” – Harold Kushner.

3. There are no mistakes, only lessons

Growth is a process of continuous experimentation, a series of trials, errors, and temporary victories. Failed experiments are also part of the road to success.

Instead of seeing your mistakes as failures and the mistakes of others as insults, take the opportunity to learn from them. Error - our own or others' - is only a catalyst for spiritual evolution.

“Every misfortune is a hidden prompt and a valuable hint.” – Emerson

It is not always easy to see the good in every misfortune that befalls us.

Therefore, you must master the secrets of compassion, forgiveness, ethics, and finally humor.

Compassion: "Man is capable of both great compassion and great indifference. It is entirely within his power to develop compassion and outgrow indifference.” – Norman Cousins.

Forgiveness: "It is human to sin, divine to forgive." - Alexander Pope.

Ethics: "There are no mistakes or coincidences. Every event in life is blessed because it comes to teach us something.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

Humor: “It is extremely important to learn to laugh at ourselves.” – Katherine Mansfield

4. The lesson is repeated until learned

The same lesson will be presented to you in different forms until you learn it. When you've mastered it completely, you can move on to the next one.

Until they deliver the message they carry, until they fulfill their purpose, the lessons will be repeated; the events and people in your life will repeat themselves. Every situation, every person are teachers. To get out of the vicious circle of repeating situations, you need to realize the lesson and integrate it into yourself as a useful experience.

To make the change within yourself that each lesson actually teaches you, you must learn the lessons of awakening, desire, causation, and patience.

Awakening: “Only the day dawns for which we have awakened.” Henry David Thoreau.

You have two options: to live on autopilot, or to live awake and aware. The choice is yours.

Desire: “Life does not ask us to be the best, only to do our best.” -Horace Jackson Browne.

"Wanting" is the foundation of choice that leads to action. "Should" is the basis for a decision that results in sacrifice.

Causality: “For every action there is an equal reaction.” – Sir Isaac Newton

Causation only confirms the fact that you are the source of everything that happens to you. Only you are responsible for your own destiny.

Patience: "Be patient. When the time comes, you will know to wake up and move forward.” -Ram Dass.

5. There is no end to learning lessons

“There are no days off in the school of life.” -Georges Amadou

There is no moment in life that does not contain lessons. As long as you live, there will always be lessons to be learned.

Life is not subject to control. It is impossible to get rid of the lessons. Mindless persistence and resistance only lead to emotional breakdown. Life is a year-round school in which there is practically no graduation. The learning process gives meaning to existence.

Rule 5 teaches that you must convince your Ego to accept the role of a perpetual student in the University of Life and learn the lessons of yielding, self-giving, modesty, and flexibility.

Yielding: “Giving in does not weaken strength, it increases it.” – Marian Williamson.

All you have to do is give in to real reality instead of rushing to do what someone says you "should" do.

Self-giving: "Our biggest weakness is that we give up. The surest way to succeed is always to try at least once more.” – Thomas Alva Edison.

You must make mastering the lessons your main life task. The lesson of self-sacrifice will appear to you in the form of indecision when you make a decision, or in difficulties and obstacles when you undertake the implementation of a decision already made.

Modesty: “And when you climb to the top of the mountain, only then do you really begin to climb.” -Khalil Jubran.

The universe does not tolerate arrogance and overconfidence and easily brings an overinflated Ego back down to earth. Its purpose is not to punish you, but to maintain the balance within yourself.

Flexibility: "To improve means to change. To be perfect is to change often.” – Winston Churchill.

6. "There" is not better than "Here"

When your "there" that you dream of or aspire to becomes "here", you will simply find another "there" that will still look better than your "here".

Don't run away from yourself. Stop, face the problems and solve them. Then your "here" will become the best place to live.

Setting goals and chasing dreams should not come at the expense of living in the Here and Now – the only time and place where we actually live.

Postponing life to the future is escapism, as is living in the past.

Setting conditions always locks you in a vicious circle and prevents you from fully experiencing the present moment - the only one you really have.

The challenge of Rule 6 is to live in the Here and Now. The lessons of gratitude, detachment, abundance and peace will help you.

Acknowledgment: "Once you stop comparing what you have to what you don't have, or what you want to be, you will start enjoying what is." - Cheri Huber.

Independence: "Perhaps one of the hardest lessons is not to become dependent on the expected results of your actions." - Joan Borysenko.

Abundance: "The richest person is the one who is truly content with what he has now." - Robert C. Savage.

Peace: "You don't have to do anything. Just live." - Steven Levine.

7. Others are only mirrors that reflect us

We cannot love or hate something in someone unless we see reflected in him what we love or hate in ourselves.

The way we perceive others is a very accurate barometer of how we feel about ourselves. We love those who look like us and repel those who expose our own flaws. We ourselves are reflected in every encounter.

If we assume for a moment that the people in our lives play the role of mirrors, it turns out that we have a wealth of valuable information that will help us get to know ourselves.

Rule 7 teaches that we should turn our attention away from others and focus it on ourselves. Instead of judging and judging others, we should first get to know ourselves. To take the decisive step in reorienting from others to ourselves, the lessons of tolerance, clarity, healing and support will help us.

Tolerance: "Everything that irritates us in others actually leads us to self-discovery." - Carl Jung

Clarity: "Sometimes the light shines in the most unlikely places. We just have to look in the right direction.” – Jerry Garcia.

Clarity is the ability to see clearly and is achieved in moments of introspection. You just have to reorient yourself from the outside in, stop worrying about others and look at yourself.

Healing: “Healing is a matter of time, but sometimes of opportunity.” Hippocrates.

Healing is restoration to a state of wholeness and is entirely dependent on your own desire.

Support: "There are two ways to spread light: to be a candle, or to be a mirror that reflects it." - Edith Wharton.

To support someone means to help them get back on their feet in a difficult moment for them, by willingly and willingly infusing them with strength, vitality and energy. The secret is that when you help others, you are actually supporting yourself.

Not accepting outside help is the surest indicator that you refuse to help yourself.

8. How you live your life is up to you.

You have all the tools and resources you need. How you use them is entirely up to you. Always, at any time, the choice is yours alone.

Each person builds his own reality. Everyone owns the copyright to their life.

Rule 8 challenges you to shape your own life according to your own choices and desires. It's time to learn the lessons of responsibility, freedom, courage, energy and adventure.

Responsibility: “We must be able to accept the consequences of our every action, word, and thought.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

To be responsible means to recognize your own role and contribution to the circumstances in which you find yourself, and to bear the consequences.

Release: "Learn to give freedom. This is the key to happiness.” – Buddha.

Free yourself from objects, situations or people. From your own habits or your own past. Let them go and you will be free.

Courage:– “Courage is life's price of peace.” – Amelia Erhardt.

All you have to do is take a deep breath and take action.

Energy: “There is no man who is incapable of achieving more than he thinks he can.” -Henry Ford.

Energy is nothing but our ability to reveal our true potential.

Adventure: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

Adventure is the result of being willing to live your life with inexhaustible enthusiasm. Everyone is born with an adventurous spirit. The spark fades as we grow older. Whether our life will be a mundane routine or a wonderful adventure depends only on us.

9. The answers you need are within you

The answers to all the questions that life poses to you are within you. You just have to believe and take advantage.

Everyone has their own spiritual DNA, which is essentially a generator of inner wisdom, emitting messages about our purpose in life.

We constantly receive messages or instructions from our intuition, which invariably leads us to the true purpose of our life. Regardless of our attitude and desire, the true messages will catch up with us, no matter how much we run from them. Instead of fighting our intuition, it is wiser to make it our ally in our journey through life.

To follow Rule 9, we must learn the lessons of listening, trusting, and inspiration. They will help you connect with your inner Wisdom that knows all the answers you need.

Listening: “Consciousness is nothing but understanding—a combination of everything we pay attention to.” – Deepak Chopra.

The lesson is to tune into the frequency of your own spiritual DNA. What is transmitted to you through her is the best for you.

Trust: "Believe in yourself; every heart beats to that beat.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

You've been taught your whole life not to believe in yourself. Now you must overcome this habit, because trusting yourself is a return to your own instincts, which are in complete harmony with your own interests.

Inspiration: "In the midst of the mundane we must find the spiritual food for the creative beginning in our souls." - Sark.

Inspiration is the moment of touch and release of the spirit. Something ignites the flame of inspiration and sparks a message that reminds us once again that all the answers are already within us.

10. When you give birth, you will forget all this

If you want to remember again, you have to unravel the double helix of inner knowing.

Often in the process of assimilating lessons, they seem close and familiar to us: we remember what we innately know. Remembering is the moment of realizing the truth. Forgetting – falling into a state of temporary amnesia. When you are uncertain, when you hesitate, you have forgotten.

Any excessive deviation from the state of conscious awakening leads to a loss of contact with the universal wisdom inherent in every living being.

The challenge of Rule 10 is to remember your truth again and again, and whenever you forget it, manage to find your way back to it. It is time to learn the highest lessons: of faith, wisdom and limitlessness.

Faith: “Faith is a gift of the spirit which enables the soul to pursue its own development.” – Thomas More.

"I believe in the sun - even when it does not shine. I believe in love - even when it is not manifested. I believe in God - even when it is silent." -Holocaust victim.

Wisdom: “Wisdom is given; we must find it ourselves in a journey that no one can undo or regret.” – Marcel Proust.

Wisdom does not mean intelligence. It is the highest stage of emotional, spiritual and mental evolution, where intuition is valued as much as information, desire as much as opportunity, and inspiration as much as knowledge. Wisdom is where insightful understanding merges with the everyday.

Infinity: “The so-called result is really only the beginning.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Limitlessness is the feeling that there is no limit in front of you; that you can achieve anything; that you can be anything Evolution never ends and each of us has infinite potential for development. There is no limit to your compassion, to your desires, to your devotion, to your tolerance, to all your acquired knowledge. You have permission to love infinitely, to grow, and to recall all your wisdom.

And more rules of human life:

Each lesson will be repeated until you master it.

Then comes the inspection.

If you pass the exam, you move on to the next lesson.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.

When you look for the real lesson in a given situation, you are actually purifying yourself.

Remember that you are here to learn.

Pay attention to everything you experience.

Be diligent in your actions to understand the lesson.

Ask and you will receive an answer.

Explore all possible options.

Discover the effect of the mirror in your attitude towards others.

Take every difficulty as an opportunity.

Believe in yourself.

Trust your intuition and let it guide you in every choice.

Be compassionate with yourself.

Remember there are no mistakes, only lessons.

Love yourself, trust your choice and everything will be possible!

Source: www.gnezdoto.net

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