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Tryphon Zarezan: customs and table

Tryphon Zarezan: customs and table

Tryphon Zarezan or also called the Day of the Vintner is celebrated on February 1 (February 14 old style). The Bulgarian Orthodox Church celebrates Trifonov Day.


Trifon, Trifonka, Lozan, Lozanka, Grozdan, Grozdanka, Radko, Radka, Racho


In the morning, only the men gather and make a cast. Then everyone gets together and chooses the "king of the vines", who is usually a wealthy man. Then the celebrations begin.

 The "king" is adorned with a wreath of vines, which he wears on his head, and another wreath which he places over his shoulders.

He sits on a wheelwright, and the other vintners pull the wheelwright and, to the sounds of bagpipes, gurgles and drums, head towards the village or town. There they stop in front of every house, where the women bring out wine, first give it to the king to drink, and then draw the rest of the vinedressers. The wine that remains is splashed on the king and the blessing is pronounced: "Come, let it be a blessing!" To overflow the thresholds!". The king answers with "Amen".

After reaching his home, the king changes into new clothes and, garlanded on his head and across his shoulders, he sits down at a long table to welcome people from the whole village. That is why he is the king of this holiday chooses a wealthy person. The next two days, known in folklore as "Trifunci", are celebrated for protection against wolves. Then the women do not cut with scissors so that the wolf's mouth does not open, they do not knit, they do not spin and they do not sew. They prepare ritual bread and, after distributing it to the neighbors, put morsels of the bread in the milk of the animals - to protect both livestock and people from wolves.

Tryphon Zarezan customs
Dining room:

Ritual food for the vineyard is prepared by the women - bread decorated with dough figures in the shape of a vine leaf or bunch, boiled chicken stuffed with rice, cheese, bacon; pickle, sausage, "babyak" (stomach stuffed with meat), etc. In addition, a bottle of red wine or brandy, decorated with boxwood, geranium, ivy, and tied with a red thread is also brought.

Customs dictate to knead bread - fresh or sourdough, to boil chicken, which is traditionally stuffed with rice or bulgur. When the chicken is cooked, it is toasted on a sajjak. Put the pita, the hen, and a bottle of wine in a new woolen bag. With such bags on their shoulders, the men go to the vineyard.


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