fbpx When you feel lonely read this

When you feel lonely read this

When you feel lonely read this

I wrote this letter for you because I know how much it hurts to feel alone. And I know what it's like to be truly alone. I wrote this letter for you and everyone else lost in the darkness and pain you cannot even begin to describe.

But there are some things you should know:

Being lonely is one of the hardest things to overcome in our lives. But you're not the only one.

I know what it's like to feel alone. I know what it's like to feel everything so deeply – too deeply – and also that it's a little unfair when you realize that everyone else doesn't relate and empathize with you.

I know how much it hurts to hear someone tell you that you are not alone, but then go on their way as if you don't even exist. Either they never come back, or they text you from time to time as if it's support. It's like this is love.

The hard truth is that most people don't know how to be there for someone in deep pain who feels completely alone. It's not their fault - they just haven't been where you've been.

Where we were

Some people will never know how lonely this world can be because they never had to discover it. But if you know? You can count yourself lucky indeed.

Luck? Oh, I know - amidst all the pain, luck sounds like a cruel joke.

But it is true.

Because everything which should to do is hang on long enough to get to the other side of all the pain. Trust me, the other side is out there waiting for you. He wants you to know that there is a place for you.

And one day, probably when you least expect it, you'll find yourself in a new place with your worst struggle behind you. With strength you never knew you had and a heart you never imagined could be so complete.

Maybe that day is a year from now, maybe four years from now, or even eleven...but it's coming. You'll find yourself in a coffee shop or diner at 2 a.m. with someone else who's recently broke, just like you.

You will see something of yourself in him and it will almost break your heart, but then you will realize that you can do for him what very few have been able to do for you.

You will be able to be there for them. You will sit there without judgment and offer true love.

Ah, there it is.

That's luck.

One of these days – hopefully soon – you'll find yourself incredibly happy because your pain becomes your strength. It's an asset. That thing that allows you to feel true empathy for a lonely person other than yourself.

Understanding and remembering your pain will help you know how to talk to anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation.

And there's someone else in the world right now who feels lost and alone—much like you. I really believe that. Does everyone have a real-life doppelganger? At the very least, I suspect we all have an emotional one.

Try to believe that – believe that someone out there is struggling a lot like you. Fighting the same type of battles and killing similar dragons.

Write about you. Write about all the pain, even when you have no words. Write through the pain. Write about your dreams on the other side.

A Story of Happiness: A Parable of Love and Time
A Story of Happiness: A Parable of Love and Time Once upon a time there was a secluded island where they lived

Write when you feel too much of everything. Write when you don't have anything you need.

Write about your broken soul as well as that future broken friend who will one day sit across from you at 2 a.m. and pour out his own heart.

When you write, do it for you. But do it for them too. The people who will get it. And they need it.

Do it for anyone who has ever inspired you to walk through the woods and finally make it to the other side.

Let it be clumsy. Let the words flow. Just keep it real.

Do it now because you matter.

Because they matter.

Do it now, because doing something positive with all your pain is probably the most important thing we'll ever do.

And that's the only way to count yourself lucky and finally reach that other side.

I'm writing this to you right now because I've made it through the other side.

I know hope is real.

When two centers meet, then there is love - OSHO quotes
Osho is a famous spiritual teacher, philosopher and creator of philosophical movements. He was born in a little Indian

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