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Interesting facts about the Vatican

Interesting facts about the Vatican that everyone should know


The Vatican is a world famous religious landmark, home of the Pope with truly breathtaking architecture. But there are many more things that make this place interesting, so we share 10 with you interesting facts about the Vatican, which you may not know.

It is the smallest country in the world
As of 2011, the population of the Vatican numbered only 594 people. It is the smallest country in the world. However, it attracts more tourists than anywhere else in the world with nearly 5 ½ million visitors each year.

There is an ATM with instructions in Latin
Belonging to the Vatican Bank, this is supposed to be the only ATM with Latin instructions in the world. How many people have struggled to withdraw money from this ATM?

Owns a telescope in Arizona, USA
As light pollution increases in Rome, it becomes increasingly difficult to use the Vatican Observatory, located 15 miles outside the city. So, in 1981, the Vatican purchased the state-of-the-art telescope, which sits atop Mount Graham in southeastern Arizona.

Interesting facts about the Vatican that everyone should know

It has its own army
Known officially as the Pontifical Swiss Guard, this army is only 135 strong. They have a uniform that appears to be unchanged since the Renaissance, and undergo modern military training.

He has his own football team
The Vatican football team is made up entirely of officials from the small country. Police officers, postal workers and members of the Swiss Guard are known to wear the team colors of yellow, blue and white.

It has the shortest railway line in the world
With only two 300-meter tracks and one station, the Vatican's rail network is the shortest in the world. It is used to import goods and for ceremonial purposes and has no regular passenger trains.

More wine is drunk than anywhere else in the world
The average resident of Vatican City consumes 54.26 liters of wine each year, giving this country the highest rate of wine consumption per capita in the world.

Vatican approves Bond film 'Skyfall'
The Vatican has approved Bond film Skyfall, saying Daniel Craig's Bond is "more human", "less clichéd" and "less attracted to the pleasures of life".

The Vatican doesn't like the Beatles
The Vatican has condemned the Beatles after John Lennon's infamous 'we are more popular than Jesus' statement.

It is the only UNESCO world heritage country
Italy has more UNESCO World Heritage Sites than anywhere else in the world (a great reason to book a trip to Italy), but the Vatican is the only country that has been fully designated as a World Heritage Site.

When planning your Italy vacation, plan some time to see the Vatican. As it is located in the center of Rome, it is easy to get to. It is full of artistic masterpieces of famous artists like Michelangelo and Raphael and in view of all the above facts, it is clearly a place like no other.

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