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13 Great Lessons from the Dalai Lama

13 Great Lessons from the Dalai Lama

Далай Лама – Тенцин Гяцо е духовен водач не само на будистите в Тибет, Монголия, Тува и др., но е възприеман като велик мислител от милиони хора по света. Роден е в Тибет през 1935 г. През 1989 г. получава Нобелова награда за мир за делото си, посветено на мирната борба за автономия на Тибет. Подбрахме

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The main marks of a spiritually aware person

Some of them are men and some are women. You can see them in a monastery or in a suburban house, in the forest or in a small country town. True, they are not many, but they are still more than people think.

And that's not because spiritual growth is a complicated thing. The sad truth is that most people do not want to bother to get out of the swamp of ignorance and passion.

The main marks of a spiritually aware person Read More »
