fbpx No random encounters. Every person is
No random encounters. Every person is a test, a punishment or a gift

No random encounters. Every person is a test, a punishment or a gift!

Is our fate predetermined? Is there a book that describes what will happen to us? Is every person who comes into our lives important, and how do we know if they are? Why do the encounters exist as soon as sections follow? Can we avoid the pain, disappointment and fear of abandonment? Do we have the ability to distinguish between the random people who enter our lives and those who will leave lasting marks on our heart?

These are questions that concern every person. The Japanese have ancient belief,

that people who are destined to meet are connected by a red thread to the little finger. It is invisible to human eyes and connects two people regardless of time, circumstances and place. This thread can become tangled or stretched, but it can never break.

The legend tells of an old man who lives on the moon. He goes out every night to search among the souls those who are destined to connect with each other on Earth. When he finds these souls, the old man binds them with red thread for the little ones so they don't get lost.

Do you believe this legend? Or maybe you want to call it karma, fate?

The truth is that every day, with every choice we make, we predetermine our destiny, tie ourselves to the red thread. Karma is every choice we make here and now.

Every person we decide to pass or smile at. No random encounters.

Everyone who enters our lives is bound to us and brings us a certain message. A message we must read. Some come to test us and check how strong and self-confident we are, others as a punishment for our past actions, and others are simply a gift from fate that we have deserved after long wanderings.

Life often presents us with difficulties that we must overcome. But

the obstacles we encounter on our way not only make us stronger but also confident enough in ourselves. It is no coincidence that most trials are certain people who occupy a place in our lives. Human relationships are extremely intricate and complex, but the truth is that we must learn to simplify them. To get our lesson from fate, it is necessary to meet different people - enemies, soulmates and friends.

The purpose of some people who are present in our lives is to test us.

To help us develop certain qualities, to improve ourselves through them. Very often we are abandoned, lied to and disappointed by the people in whom we believed. Everyone has been broken, everyone has experienced heartbreak, paid a certain price. But deservedly so. This is the test we must go through in order to climb one step higher in our personal development.

It is important to learn to believe that we can handle anything that comes our way. There are no random encounters, but there are also no random splits. It's just that the people we parted with have done their mission, taught us to fight alone, to be patient and to believe that one day we will meet the person destined for us.

However, when we are rejected and humiliated, we do not realize the role of people who are a test for us. We define them more like a curse. As people who have come to wreak havoc in our lives, come to destroy our heart and soul without an ounce of pity. Then comes suffering. We are also capable of rejecting people who have come to help and deliver us. We begin to hurt and the roles gradually change. Therefore, the next people we meet are our punishment. Because we have not understood the lessons of destiny correctly, because we have become exactly what we hated and despised. And everyone must endure the punishment if they want to reach the final step - the gift. But the more inhumane we are, the more indifferent and cruel we are, the more we distance ourselves from the possibility of fate giving us its gift.

And days, months, and sometimes years pass...

We hurt... and we are hurt. We suffer, we reject, we exchange our roles as in a real theater. But one day fate decides not to play with us anymore and we meet a NON-RANDOM person…. The thread, invisible to the human eye, suddenly becomes visible. We meet a person with whom we feel that we are connected strongly enough. And then we realize all the hardships we've been through… and then we realize why it didn't work out for everyone else. After all the adversities on his way, after all the steps of change, one finally reaches the people who are the gift of one's efforts.

To receive such a gift from fate is satisfying, you feel even more significant than before. You understand that all the previous and "wrong" people led you to what you really wanted. And it doesn't matter what and how much you paid anymore, what matters is the reward afterwards. You're thankful for that because it was worth all the waiting. Your souls and bodies are woven into one, and no one is able to untangle the thread of your love. Because this long waiting and longing has strengthened the bond between you more and more.

The people you are destined to meet cannot be overlooked.

Maybe the wait will be longer than usual, but the reward afterwards will be greater. A person constantly meets new people, communicates and contacts. The only important thing is to distinguish which people are a punishment, a test or a gift. Sometimes the thread between you will be very thin and you will not be sure, but if you listen to your heart, you will know the right path.

Author: Tanya Marinova

Source: dama.bg

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