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Dendrotherapy – treatment and energy charging from trees

Modern man has almost lost his connection with nature. And it has given people so many opportunities to maintain their physical and spiritual health. One of them is dendrotherapy. Dendrotherapy is a method of treatment and prevention using the healing properties of trees. Most people do not even suspect that practically all trees have a direct healing effect, and for this it is enough just to wrap around their trunk.

What is Dendrotherapy?

Dendrotherapy is part of alternative medicine and is based on the study of the impact of the energy of trees on humans. As powerful natural healers with their bioenergetic abilities, they have been proven to influence human health and mood. Trees heal the psyche, stimulate the work of the heart, strengthen metabolic processes in the body, eliminate headaches, reduce the consequences of stress. Maybe that's why we love walks in the forest and the park, to listen to their sounds, to breathe in their aroma. Many of us feel like completely different people in the forest!

Trees are divided into "feeding" (donors), "sucking" (consumers) and "neutral" in relation to man. For most powerful from the feeders the oak is considered, from the "sucking" - poplar, aspen, all creeping plants, as well as a large part of conifers. One of the criteria for whether a plant is "sucking" is when other plants grow and feel comfortable around it. The biological activity of the trees has its peak at different times of the day, and then they have the greatest benefit.

Dendrotherapy - treatment and energy charging from trees
Dendrotherapy – treatment and energy charging from trees

An effective method of finding your tree is to take a piece of tinfoil, rub it against your clothing to become electrified, and placing it in the palm of your hand, bring it close to the bark of the tree. If the tinfoil sticks to the bark of the tree - this is your tree, if not - then this tree does not suit you.

Researchers were able to photograph the biofield of different trees - on solitary trees it was a circle, on those growing in a group it seemed as if the auras repelled each other, and on the trunks, which had incisions for collecting sap, this was reflected by an elongated halo. So if you decide to draw power from a tree, look for beautiful ones that grow apart from their fellow forest giants. Choose the most powerful, branching tree with strong, shiny leaves, move away and walk around it. Usually around an energetically active tree there are no neighbors at a distance of not less than 6 m. You should feel sympathy and benevolence towards this tree. Then start approaching him. If at a distance of one and a half meters you turn your open palm towards the tree and already at about one meter you feel an increased density, heat, prickling - then this tree is a donor with a large reserve of energy.

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Energy charging from trees can be done in two ways. Try both and find out which one you like better.

_ I. Way - from a distance_

Communicating with a tree should always be done in privacy, with sincerity and without haste. In case of certain diseases, the person needs to take from the energy of the tree. For this there are "donor trees" (their energy is considered positive). These are: oak, birch, pine, acacia, maple, apple, chestnut, ash, linden, rowan. To get energy from a tree, you need to approach the tree at a distance of 40-60 cm, stand with your back and mentally turn to it for help. Relax and imagine that from top to bottom your body slowly a warm wave passes. Close your eyes, check that all parts of your body are relaxed. If they are not, by exhaling direct the warm wave to these places again. Breathing should be rhythmic, according to the scheme: inhale 4-8 sec.-hold the breath for 4 sec.-exhale 4-8 sec. During inhalation, it is necessary to imagine and feel how the bioenergy of the donor tree rises up your arms and legs in the direction of the solar plexus. Feel the roots of the tree, the movement of the juices from underground to the top, their spreading on the leaves of the crown. The inhalation of bioenergy from the donor tree should not last more than 3 minutes. Longer duration activities can lead to an unexpected spike in blood pressure. It should be noted that in winter the energy potential decreases to 50-70% in broad-leaved trees and 15-25% in conifers. Therefore, in winter, the duration of the sessions can be extended by 5-7 minutes. Also, charging with bioenergy should be done no later than 2-3 hours before sleep, otherwise it may be disturbed

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There are diseases that, on the contrary, require us to release the "bad energy" from our body. That's what "consumer trees" exist for. The bioenergetics of these trees is considered negative. They include: aspen, poplar, spruce, fir, juniper, cherry, willow, alder. To give away our negative energy, it is necessary to approach the tree at a distance of 20 cm, facing it, and mentally ask for help. Then, relaxing, we imagine that a warm wave passes through our body from top to bottom. Breathing should be rhythmic, according to the scheme: inhale (4-8 sec) - hold the breath (4 sec) - Yiddish (4-8 sec).

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_ II. Way_

In the morning, with the sunrise, the body begins to activate. This moment is suitable for contact with the donor tree. Such trees are oak, maple, linden, birch and other hardwood trees. The contact is made by first touching the tree with the forehead, then hugging it at the level of the head, and it is recommended to do this on its south side. Oak is an exception. It is more suitable for a person to lean on it with his back.

What is Dendrotherapy

In the afternoon, contact can be made with a tree - a harmoniser, which will lower the energy tension and absorb the excess energy received from the donor. Harmonizers are pine, white fir, willow, larch. Contact is made from the north side of the tree. We contact these trees through the palms of our hands. To relieve stress, stand with your back to the trunk with your arms down.

In the evening, before sleep, it is useful to redistribute energy in the body. Here our helpers are the fruit trees: apple, pear, plum, mountain ash (viburnum). We touch these trees with our foreheads.

Here is a list of some of the trees and their medicinal properties:

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  • PINE (donor and consumer) – His energy activity is unsystematic. He sleeps 4 to 5 hours. His energy is messy, impulsive. It helps to raise the tone. Strong antidepressant, increases immunity, treats respiratory tract infection. Prolonged stay in a pine forest cures cough and cold. However, elderly people should not walk for a long time in a pine forest, as the bio-energetic impact can cause headaches and pain in the heart area.
  • WILLOW (user) – She is most active from 6 to 9 p.m. Contact with it soothes, relaxes, helps eliminate headaches, removes irritation, helps with hypertension, creates the mood you need when performing a complex task.
  • POPLAR – It gives a pleasant sensation. It takes away fatigue, as its energy is even, moderate, pure. It helps to mobilize the body, for its psychological correction. It is active between 3 and 6 p.m. With the use of healing properties, as well as those of aspen and willow, one should not overdo it, because with long contact they suck the energy.
  • OAK (donor) – It has powerful positive energy, helps after a long illness and exhaustion of the body. It helps improve brain activity, reduces stress, improves blood circulation. Staying in an oak forest reduces blood pressure in hypertension. But it can only be worked with in a good psycho-emotional state, because oak stabilizes the mood that has overtaken you at the moment you have established contact with it. The active time of the oak tree is from 21:00 to 03:00. The tree sleeps between 3 and 5 p.m.
  • LINDEN - Her active time is between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m., her rest time is between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. Her energy is strong, soft. It causes a feeling of warmth and peace. Helps with depression and anxiety.
  • FIR – This tree is a destabilizer. In long-term contact, it can cause headaches, nervous breakdowns, disorders of the functions of the cardiovascular system. The tree is constantly active, sleeping only from 13 to 14 hours. Contact him only when you want to get rid of some stagnant state.
  • ASPLE "It's a vampire tree, a leech." With prolonged contact, headache, drowsiness, difficulty breathing, nausea, sometimes even loss of consciousness are possible. However, aspen helps to relieve agitation, stress and excess energy. It is active only from 14:00 to 18:00.
  • CHESTNUT (donor and user) – Its active time is from 1 to 5 hours. He sleeps from 7 to 8 hours. It is also a mental destabilizer, but it also has positive properties. Frees the psyche, awakens fantasy and intuition, removes bad energy, treats bone and joint diseases, against insomnia. Chestnut energy is strong and impulsive, but with prolonged contact hallucinations can occur. Communicating with him removes the negative charge in geopathogenic zones. To increase the energy in the body, some healers such as Petar Dimkov recommend constantly carrying chestnut fruits and periodically massaging the palms with them.
  • MAPLE (donor) - To reduce nervous tension, tree of balance, removes worries and despondency - active from 7.00 to 10.00.

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  • CLEAR (donor) – Purifies the energy field, to cleanse the body, stimulates concentration of attention – active from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
  • BIRCH (donor and neutral) – The birch is one of the most revered trees among the Slavs. She can take any disease by taking them out of the person. Birch is a source of energy and vitality, helps with colds and flu, concentrates strength and attention, reduces stress, as it has a soft, soothing energy, banishes nightmares, removes worries and anxiety. This tree ionizes the air. It is active from 5.00 am to 9.00 am.
  • LARGE – Treats nervous disorders, especially those with bouts of melancholy and depression. It helps to see the good sides of life, it is recommended for respiratory diseases - asthma, bronchitis.

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Sources: back2nature.rocks

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