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9 things happy people do

What is the secret of happiness? It can be perceived differently by everyone, but we know that happy people have different habits and think differently than those who are "unhappy". So, the good news is that you too can be one of those lucky people if you recognize that the desired emotion comes from within and that you have the power to literally turn that frown upside down by mastering some simple habits.

Here's what happy people do and don't do. ,

1. They live for the moment.
Do the old clichés like "stop to smell the roses" and "it's the little things in life" really lead to happiness? Yes.

Researchers call this "taste," and link it to paying attention to the moment. Instead of being focused on the past, the future, and the present negativity everywhere, those of us who who are most satisfied with life si, stop and enjoy the beauty of the small, amazing things in life.

2. They meditate daily.

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to walk the path of silence and mindfulness, which in turn gives your mind a much-needed break from all those worries and anxieties that inhabit it. Meditation only takes a few minutes each day. To get started, you can visit the collection of guided meditations by Milena Goleva.

3. They don't harbor bad feelings.
Forgiving and forgetting is absolutely necessary when it comes to happiness. The reason? Holding on to resentment means you are holding on to anger, resentment, pain, and other negative emotions that are obstacles to happiness. By releasing these emotions, you release negativity so that there is more room for positive emotions.

4. They spend money on others.
Many studies show that spending money on other people actually makes people happier. One reason is that it creates social connections. If you have a nice car and a big house on an island by yourself, you will not be happy because we need people to be happy. But by giving a gift to another person, we create a connection and a conversation with that person, and these things are really good for our happiness.

I've learned for myself that true friendships require investment. This doesn't always mean money, but it does require a lot of your time. Truly happy people spend time (and money) on their relationships.

5. They are busy but not in a hurry.

Research shows that feeling "rushed" can lead to stress and unhappiness. At the same time, people struggle with finding that happy medium where they can keep themselves busy enough. After all, other studies suggest that a healthy work-life balance is key, as boredom can be severe.

6. They surround themselves with the right people.
Happiness is contagious. This means that when you surround yourself with other people, who are happy and supportive, you'll be able to build confidence, boost your creativity and just generally have fun. On the other end of the spectrum, hanging out with negative people means you're just another member of their pity party—and that's exhausting and not much fun.

7. They celebrate other people's success.
It's no secret that having a rich social life and healthy relationships is an important component of happiness. But happy people nurture and improve their relationships through "active and constructive" responses, which includes celebrating the success of those around them.

As Martin Seligman explained in his book Flourish, “People we care about often tell us about successes and significant good things that happen to them. How we react can either build the relationship or undermine it. There are four basic ways of responding, only one of which builds relationships. "

8. They treat everyone with respect and kindness.
Kindness, like happiness, is contagious. There's even a name for it: "moral elevation." A study conducted by researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles and the Universities of Cambridge and Plymouth in the United Kingdom found that witnessing acts of kindness makes us feel warm inside.

9. They are optimistic.
Let's be honest: bad things happen to all of us – even and the happiest people on the planet. The thing is, they don't complain, whine, or let pessimism get the better of them. They stay optimistic by focusing on solutions to the problem and reflecting on what they are grateful for.

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