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July 2020

Stephen's Day: name names, customs and table

Stefanovden: name names, customs and table Stefanovden is an Orthodox and folk holiday, which is celebrated on December 27. Nouns Stefan, Stefka, Stefi, Stefko, Stefcho, Stanul, Stevan, Stephen, Stepan, Stefa, Stefana, Stefanka, Stefania, Stefani, Stamen, Stamena, Stan, Stana, Stane, Stanimir, Stanimira, Stanislav, Stanislava, Stancho, Svetlin Chanyo, Chanko, Chanka Venko, Venche, Veni, Veneta, Venka, Vencho, Vencislav, Venceslav, Venceslava, […]

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Christmas: traditions, table and names

Christmas: traditions, table and names On December 25 we celebrate Christmas - the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas Nouns Bozhidar, Bozhidara, Bojan, Bojana, Bozhin, Bozil, Emil, Emilia, Emmanuel, Emmanuela, Zvezda, Zvezdelina, Zvezdelin, Zvezdan, Zvezdyo, Hristo, Christian, Khristin, Khristofor, Itso, Christian, Christian, Chrissy, Hrisi, Christa, Christina, Christina, Christiana, Mladen, Mladena, Radoslav, Radoslava, Radomir, Radomira, Radostin, Radostina, Radina, Rayko,

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Christmas Eve customs, names and table

Christmas Eve customs, names and table On December 24, we celebrate Christmas Eve or Little Christmas. Nouns Evgeny, Evgenia, Women, Blagoroden, Blagorodna, Malcho, Malen, Malena, Malin Christmas Eve marks the end of the forty-day Christmas fast that began on November 15, Christmas Eve. According to popular belief, the Mother of God died on Assumption Day and gave birth on Little Christmas

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Ignazhden: names, customs and table

Ignazhden: traditions, namesakes and table On December 20 we celebrate Ignazhden. The Orthodox Church celebrates St. Ignatius God-bearer, one of the best disciples of St. Apostle John the Theologian, so called because he carried God in his heart. Ignazhden Nouns Flame, Flamena, Ognyan, Ognyana, Ignat, Ignata, Igo Ignazhden Customs According to belief, on Ignazhden, the birth pains of the Mother of God also begin.

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Nicholas Day: traditions, names and table

Nikulden: traditions, namesakes and table On December 6, we celebrate one of the biggest Christian national holidays Nikulden. Names Nikola, Nikolay, Nikolina, Nikoleta, Nenka, Nina, Nino, Kolyo Customs Bulgarians honor Saint Nicholas as the patron saint of fishermen and sailors and as the lord of the vast expanse of water - the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. According to folk beliefs, the saint evokes the sea

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St. Andrew's Day: table, customs and namesakes

St. Andrew's Day: table, customs and names On November 30, we celebrate St. Andrew's Day. The Christian Church celebrates St. Apostle Andrew. The day marks the beginning of the Winter cycle of public holidays. Andreevden Names Andrey, Andriyan, Andreya, Andro, Hraber, Hrabrin, Silen, Deshka, Parvan, etc. St. Andrew's Day customs In Northern Bulgaria on this day they celebrate in honor of the bears, believing that St

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