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11 things every father should teach his son

11 things every father should teach his son

The relationship between father and son is a sacred thing. It is based not only on love and care, but also on the important lessons that the adult has to teach the little person. Among them are important, common human principles and practical things. Here are some of the lessons every father should teach his son.

1. To be a good person.

Not to humiliate others for what they are, to respect other people's opinion, to help, to be patient and well-intentioned.

2. To laugh at oneself.

Dads are the best people, to teach a child of such a difficult thing. Teach the child to laugh, "Eh, it doesn't matter, I'll keep going!", when he falls and hits himself, when he breaks something, when he does something stupid. That's how you educate a happier person.

3. To treat women with respect.

The child must willingly, and not under compulsion, get used to helping mom, being kind to his little friends and gallant to all ladies, no matter who they are.

4. To play with a ball.

What father doesn't love to chase his son? Teach your child to play and do sports! This will be invaluable to his health and psyche in the long run.

5. To change a tire.

And in general to learn to work with his hands for things that we have to deal with every day.

6. To respect.

Respect for life, mother, people, boundaries, relationships, rules. Children learn respect when they see their parents show it. Respect others, respect your own children and they will not forget it.

7. To be faithful, 

Not to betray his loved ones and to be able to rely on him.

8. To cry.

Real men cry. The boys too. Let the child not be ashamed of his feelings and let him not consider them a sign of weakness. Teach him to fight by overcoming problems, not covering them up.

9. To cook.

There is nothing more fun and useful than the ability to prepare a delicious meal. In addition, children learn important math skills from calculating ingredients.

10. To hold a conversation.

Constantly insist that the child express himself meaningfully and clearly. Talk to him about any topic - take advantage of a child's natural curiosity. Teach him that the most important thing in a conversation is not to talk, but to listen.

11. To have dignity.

A good man is a decent man - no matter what age he is. He keeps promises, is true to his principles and does not allow the weak to be oppressed. Trust me, kids get it—dignity is one of the easiest lessons you can teach them.

Help the child release the tension accumulated during the day with a Relaxing Tale for Children by Milena Goleva

Read more: How to choose a name for the child - Petar Dunov

Source: www.manager.bg

See also: 10 invaluable tips from Lily Dimkova – the daughter of the healer Petar Dimkov

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