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Petar Dunov on the power and mission of women

Teacher Petar Dunov on the power and mission of women

Petar Dunov on the power and mission of women

What is the true mission of women in the world? Why are women's intuition, wisdom and strength so highly developed?

In these thoughts of the teacher Petar Dunov you will see the reasons and the truth about the incredibly strong "weaker sex".

1. Woman is the last creation of God. Every last creation is higher than the previous ones.

2. God breathed into Adam a living soul, and into Eve intelligence. When it is said that a woman is only feminine, but not intelligent, it is not true. A woman is more intelligent than a man. He is strong, he can fight, but there is no great philosophy in him. They say the man is a genius, a scientist. Remember: Genius, great one cannot to be born of a stupid and simple mother.

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3. A woman who gives birth renews herself, becomes smarter...

4. During her pregnancy, the woman must be placed in the most favorable conditions: she must eat properly, in a good, harmonious state of mind; and never eat before sunrise, nor after sunset. She needs to breathe deeply, think and feel right.

5. I say: a woman should educate her child while it is still in her womb, not after birth. There, the child has all the conditions for perception, and after birth he will already want conditions for processing the perceived. That is why the mental life of a pregnant woman should not be neglected.

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6. The upbringing of the child is in the hands of the mother. What the mother put into the child already during pregnancy, that is what is important. Then, when the child is born, it is more difficult to bring up. That's why I say: mothers will fix the world.

We offer you a pleasant way to communicate with the baby during pregnancy - Milena Goleva's magnificent author's guided meditation - Calm Pregnancy and Prenatal Communication with the Baby

7. If the mother is worried and angry several times a day and nurses a child, she will poison that child with her milk.

8. After birth, the inner connection between the child and the mother continues, albeit in a different way. A child whose mother has not carried him in her arms and nursed him loses something extremely precious.

9. Every mother who worries about her child brings into it from her anxious thought or feeling.

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10. I say: there is only one power that can destroy war and bring peace. What is this power? The woman.

We also show you a wonderful video of Milena Goleva - Lift up the woman and she will save the world:

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