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Julia Roberts' message: It's time to drop the masks!

Julia Roberts' message: It's time to drop the masks!

The world famous Hollywood star – Julia Roberts published a sensational message. In it, she asks all women to take an active stance and stop focusing only on their outer beauty to the detriment of themselves and their true inner selves.

Perfection is a disease of many nations. We cover our faces with tons of makeup. We regularly undergo botox therapy and starve to achieve the "ideal" weight and figure. We try to fix things that don't need it at all. And in fact we leave without our attention the most important. You know what?

Our Soul. The soul that needs care and attention. It's time to deal with it.

be honest as you might expect someone to love you, if you don't love yourself? Redesigning your appearance, do you think you can say that you are happy with yourself? Of course not! I want you to understand: It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside if you're empty on the inside!

Today I want to announce to everyone: I will no longer put up with makeup because I'm tired of wearing someone else's face! It's time to drop the masks. I know I have wrinkles, but I want to see them. That's me though. The real me. I want you to accept me as I am!

The world today has gone crazy on the topic of appearance. You can't even imagine the sales of the companies that have put into your heads the idea that you have to pay fantastic sums to stave off the inevitable signs of aging a little further by applying unhealthy and unnatural products and therapies.

The principles of beauty in the 21st century are unnatural. It's beauty on steroids that's spreading like a virus around the world. Its terrible!

You understand that artificial beauty rules the world, keeping us imprisoned in the dungeon of our illusions about our appearance. Instead of living and following our essence, we are forced to confess canons imposed on us.

But you know. I'm sick of this. And I say to myself: Enough! And I urge you to stop and remember who you really are. What exactly do you want? Remember who you are!

Appearance is the last thing that should be valued in a person. All that matters is the soul! Remember it forever!

Meditation Beauty and Youth Inside and Out by Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts

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