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I invite you, Lord, to be the first to cross my threshold today... Magnificent prayer for Ignazhden

I invite you, Lord, to be the first to cross my threshold today...Magnificent prayer for Ignazhden

Who will be the first to enter your house today depends on how the whole year will be, but you can read it to yourself to invite blessings to enter your life

Magnificent prayer for Ignazhden

I invite love to enter and fill my home with its emotions and colors, soften the corners, smooth the edges, gather, bring together, reconcile, turn the eyes to the heart. And I invite health to come in, to touch everyone and everything and to give them its strength and vitality, so that no one gets rid of health. May our decisions, our actions, our thoughts be healthy. Let our words be healthy.

I invite abundance to come in and let it sprinkle gold dust over our work, our pursuits, our aspirations, our endeavors and our thoughts. May our labor be rewarded and the wealth from it be great, as well as the satisfaction and happiness from it. I invite joy to come in and make everyone smile - my family, our lives, our hearts.

Today is Ignazhden! Those are the beliefs for today

That is why the Bulgarian looks at the symbols and signs that the world around him gives him. And the beliefs are real

And I invite gratitude to come in, so that I wake up with the first thought of it in the morning and immediately realize that the gifts I have and receive are endless. I invite the opportunities to come in so that we can gain a clear view of them and a bold heart to follow them. I invite warmth, tenderness, miracles, lucky encounters, friends, talents, success, fulfillment, happiness, understanding, acceptance, forgiveness, music, beauty, perfection, colors, scents, diversity.

This morning God was the first to cross my threshold…

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