The meaning of human existence, according to the Dervishes, is to know ourselves

The meaning of human existence, according to the Dervishes, is to know ourselves

The dervishes greet each other with an incredible for us expression "Ashkolsun!". We understand it as "Bravo!", its literal translation is "may it be love", but the greeting means "may love be with you". What brighter greeting than this? You stop seeing enemies in the world around you, and you see friends everywhere.

They believe in the immortality of the soul

Dervishes are the mystics of the East. They are called the spinning sages because of the incredible dance they are known for. They transmit to the Islamic world the esoteric knowledge accumulated over millennia. They believe in reincarnation, something Islam does not believe in. They believe that the meaning of human existence is to know ourselves. That we should see ourselves as an immortal divine particle. Their society is part of Sufism - a teaching of wisdom whose goal is spiritual transformation and perfection. At the heart of Sufism are love and devotion. The master of Dervishes and Sufis, Jellaladdin Rumi, believed that God is closer to us than we are to ourselves. He is convinced that looking for the answers to the questions that concern us, we can best find them in ourselves. Taking time for ourselves and observing our own thoughts and feelings.

Spinning sages take life as a test

True dervishes do not become monks and do not run away from society to live separately. For them, a true hermit can be one even in the busiest city in the world, because hermitage is not external and ostentatious, it is spiritual. Dervishes live in the rhythm of other people. They are merchants, gallery owners, lawyers, craftsmen, they do everything. But they see their life as a test. His meaning for a dervish is not to close in on himself, but to help others. When you ask the real dervish where he comes from, he never says I come from the city of Konya or elsewhere, the real dervish answers -

"I come from God and go to God." Then it becomes clear to you what kind of person he is.

These sages speak of several stages of knowledge. The first stage is the knowledge given to us through books and school – we all reach this stage. But especially important, according to them, is the stage in which we learn about the world inside us by turning to ourselves. They are convinced that the only way to judge the people around us is by paying attention to how we feel in their presence. If we have to behave differently and change ourselves to please them, then these people are not for us. However, if the people who surround us make us who we are in our essence, then these are our "mirrors", our friends and companions in life.

The Four Laws of Spirituality
The Four Laws of Spirituality 1. “Whoever you meet is the right one.” This means that no one

It is not important what we leave, but how we live here and now

Dervishes raise the human heart into a cult. They think it cannot be lied to. However, our mind can easily be deceived by the senses - sight, touch, hearing, smells. "Trust your heart," say the dervishes, and not so much your judgment. Intuition too, it is synthesized knowledge from previous lives.

According to the philosophy of the dervishes, if we realize that this path is from eternity and to eternity and from God, fear will disappear in us, because man's greatest fear is death. People are afraid of being transitory, perishable, they really want to leave something behind. This is meaningless from a spiritual point of view, because we never cease to exist, and so it is not what we leave behind, but how we live in the here and now.

Dancing, they fall into a state of trance

They dance dressed in long white robes, with wide skirts and black cloaks. They have red hats on their heads. When the chief of the ceremony bows, he leads the dervishes in a circle. Once they have made three rounds, they throw off their black cloaks, symbolizing release from their earthly cares. After opening their arms, they begin to spin, keeping their right arm extended upwards. In this way, they receive a blessing from heaven, which they connect to the earth through their downward-sloping left hand. Turning on the left heel, they increase the revs more and more, falling into a trance.

If you want to experience the magic of the dervish dance, visit the city of Konya, Turkey, where every year on December 17 they celebrate the death of their teacher Rumi, who was born in Persia but lived and worked in Konya. It is not by chance that they celebrate his death, because he himself requested so, saying at the hour of his death not to mourn him, but to celebrate his wedding with eternity.

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