Why is it hard to change our minds?

"You cannot convince a believer of anything, for their faith is not based on evidence, but on a deep-rooted need to believe. ” – Carl Sagan

When we're young, we often feel angry and frustrated when we try to argue or reason with someone who a) refuses to think logically and b) won't change their mind (or their behavior) no matter what evidence we present them with.

We cannot understand why anyone would not change their beliefs and opinions, even after the overwhelming evidence.

But for some reason 99% of people don't do that. Instead of changing their beliefs according to the evidence, they often simply dismiss or ignore any evidence and continue to believe what they want to believe simply because it suits them and is familiar.


Regardless of the evidence. Even if it is illogical, irrational and stupid.

Here are 10 truths you should know before your next argument.

1 Facts do not change opinion. Most people believe whatever they want to believe, regardless of the evidence, and they don't care if it's illogical, irrational, or stupid, or how much evidence there is to the contrary.

2 Logic and evidence are not how most people form their beliefs. Convenience and preference are. This is why logic and evidence are so ineffective and change the minds of most people, because these are not the criteria they use to form beliefs or make decisions. Most people believe whatever makes them feel good and helps them sleep at night. I.e. the illogical is true.

3 Most people are closed-minded and won't change their minds no matter what you say, no matter what evidence or information you present them with, no matter how logical or reasonable your argument. That's why the question often asked at the start of a debate is, “Is there any evidence that could make you change your mind?” because 99,99% of the time, there isn't. Their minds are already made up.

4 Most people will not follow the evidence wherever it leads. Instead of starting with an open mind and following the evidence it leads to in an honest search for the truth, most people a) accept the answer before they've even asked the question, and b) start with the conclusions they already have in mind, and then they begin to look for evidence to support what they already believe (e.g. they google "why the bible is true")

5 Most people do not want all the evidence and information, they only want the evidence and information that supports their current beliefs and opinions.

6 Most people will happily close their eyes to the facts and ignore what is happening the second it is convenient for them to do so. They are not only ignorant, they are willfully ignorant. They don't know and they don't want to know.

7 "It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they are fooled." - Mark Twain (In other words: Most people are brainwashed, but they don't know it and refuse to believe it).

8 Most people will not admit they are wrong, even when they know they are. Instead of admitting they are wrong, most people will stubbornly hold their own in an attempt to maintain their integrity, or quickly try to change the subject.

9 Most people would rather hear fake compliments and fake praise than any kind of honest feedback or valid criticism.

10 Most people seek approval, comfort and pleasure, but NOT the truth. They don't know and they don't want to know. They just believe whatever they want to believe.

If you're not a truth seeker, these facts probably don't bother you. But if you are someone who actually thinks that people should base their beliefs on reality and believe only the truth, these are very depressing facts indeed.

TIP: Become a seeker of truth and not just believe what you want to believe because it won't change anything and it won't help you.

The only thing, what will change your life is seeing things as they are and dealing with them as they are.

Also, accept that 99,99% of people will believe whatever they want to believe regardless of the evidence, so don't waste your time arguing with anyone.

“If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone does not value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic? – Sam Harris.

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