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Sometimes we wonder, can't everything in our life always be good? Why are we having difficulties?

But the universe is wiser than us. If everything is always easy and nice, we will stop appreciating it, we will stop enjoying and perfecting ourselves, and we will completely forget about God.

"If rain is coming into your life, focus on the flowers that will bloom because of it."

Remember the history of ancient Egypt. There were years when the Nile rose from its bed and submerged everything, and the people suffered famine and calamity for years. But then came fertile years. Then everyone rejoiced.

It is the same in our lives - sometimes something extraordinary happens, which later turns out to have prepared the ground for something important and significant.

Когато вали дъжд, ние можем да се ядосваме, че ще се измокрим, че навсякъде се образуват локви, че става кално… И мислейки така, дъждът се превръща за нас в бедствие. Но можем да погледнем и по друг начин.

Thanks to it, fruits, vegetables, flowers grow. This is how they treat, for example, in Sicily and call the rain "blessed water".

"It's usually the challenges along the way that show us who we really are."

All difficulties make us better, stronger and purer if we manage to remain ourselves and not lose heart. However, if we fall into despondency and depression, if we curse our fate, these will just be terrible periods that lead nowhere and change nothing.

Remember about Viktor Frankl, който попада в концентрационен лагер и не само оживява, а този период се превръща в основа за неговата работа като психолог след войната, период на вътрешна трансформация. Въпреки годините на страдание в лагерите на смъртта, където загиват всичките му близки – майка му, баща му, брат му и бременната му съпруга, – Виктор не престава да вярва, че животът има смисъл. А какво е да преживееш ужаса на концентрационния лагер в сравнение с днешните трудности и проблеми, които ние преживяваме…

Difficulties can reveal something deeply hidden within us, our talents and character traits, which we would otherwise not have reached on our own. And do you remember the story of Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs, and today not only leads a full and meaningful life, but is also one of the most popular speakers who inspires millions of people around the world. He probably wouldn't have become what he is if he had been born like all the other children.

The actress Charlize Theron parted with her great dream of being a ballerina after a serious knee injury, but changing the direction of her life path, became one of the most popular Hollywood stars.

Difficulties, trials and even tragedies sometimes become a harbinger of something big and important in our lives, in finding the right path. They seem to turn into указателни табели, които посочват пътя на заблудил се пътник…

Difficult times also help us to understand that there is always someone who takes care of us. Just if we let him.

“If God is with you, then what are you afraid of? And if he's not with you, then what do you hope for?'

Понякога в живота ни се случват тежки и сериозни кризи във всички области на живота, просто за да се обърнем към Бога. Получавали сме малки подсказки, леки потупвания по рамото, но сме оставали безчувствени към Бога… Тогава идват сериозните изпитания.

They say that God first speaks to us as a whisper of love, then comes the voice of conscience and finally comes suffering. If we learn to hear the whispers and even the voice of conscience, the sufferings will be much less.

And God is good and generous.

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