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Why should you change the way you think!?

your way of thinking

Photo: ©Pixabay

Have you noticed that when you leave the office upset, people on the subway are rude to you? And you are rude to them. And how different the world looks when you are in love! The world is your mirror!

The world is a mirror:what you feel on the inside is what you get on the outside.


If the people you meet on the street are unkind, you can change the street, but that won't help. If you don't get respect in your job, changing jobs won't solve the problem.

Повечето от нас са научили този принцип наопаки! Обикновено казваме: „Ако не харесваш работата си, смени я. Ако не харесваш жена си, смени и нея.“ Има случаи, в които е уместно да смениш работата или партньора си.

But if you don't change your way of thinking, it's tantamount to asking for the same results.

EXAMPLE: Bob does not help his wife Carol. They both work nine to five, but Carol can't rely on Bob for childcare and housekeeping. Every night he goes out for a drink and on the weekend he goes golfing. Carol feels like a maid and is angry with her husband.

But the problem isn't with Bob. And in herself. As long as Carol feels like a maid, she will be treated as one. In order for her life to change, Carol must learn to appreciate Carol. The moment she feels worthy, important and attractive, she will get the support of Bob or someone else.

The problem is always within us.

EXAMPLE: Family and friends - everyone is always asking for something from you. Някой се мести в нов дом и веднага те търси за помощ с опаковането и пренасянето на багажа. Друг се нуждае от транспорт до летището в 4 сутринта и се обажда на теб. Накрая си задаваш въпроса: „Защо никой не цени МОЕТО време?“

Because you don't appreciate it! When you change, people will change.

The problem is NOT THEM

Many never get it. All their lives they blame others - but the problem is not other people.

If you feel you don't deserve good pay, you'll find a boss to work for with next to no money.

If you don't pay attention to your feelings, you will end up in a workplace where people will also not pay attention to your feelings and will be dismissive of you.

And maybe you will join the army, where you will be roughed up!

But the problem is not in OTHERS, but in your relationship with YOURSELF.

If you hate your bulky behinds, you will find a partner who will make fun of you because of your huge ass. However, if you learn to accept your ass as it is, you will most likely: a) replace your partner with a new one; or b) you will find that your old friend has developed a new attitude. The problem was never with your friend. And in your attitude towards yourself.

When your boss demands better results and your wife demands more from you, it usually means that you are setting too high a standard for yourself.

Even the problem of racial and religious prejudice has nothing to do with PEOPLE.

If you accept yourself, they will accept you.

If you love yourself, they will love you too.


You create your own world. You don't need to convince anyone else. It's enough to make you feel different.

The perfect evening

Our life is always a reflection of how we feel.

EXAMPLE: Your friends are in town. Решаваш да ги поканиш на страхотна вечеря в любимия си ресторант „Коко“.

Обаждаш се в ресторанта да резервираш маса. Метр д’отелът отговаря:

– I'm sorry, but everything is full.

- What do you mean everything is complete?

- We have no free tables.

– But I'm a regular customer! Find me a table!

- I'm sorry.

You hang up the phone.

- Damn it! The evening was supposed to be perfect.

You are angry.

You choose another restaurant. The food turns out to be greasy, the shrimp are nasty, you argue with your wife all the way home, and in the morning you wake up with food poisoning.


Метр д’отелът казва:

- Everything is complete.

– Чудесно. И бездруго вече сме се хранили двайсет пъти в „Коко“. Трябва да опитаме нещо различно.

You call your ex-boss who knows all the best restaurants in town. He recommends you a new place, at that very close to your home.

Храната е несравнима. Завързвате разговор с двойката на съседната маса, които се оказват ваши съседи. Намирате нови приятели и на другата седмица всички заедно отивате в „Коко“.

Isn't that the secret of life?

The case will be against you whenever you believe this. But there is another way to live: believing that the universe is constantly making plans to make you happy.


The harmony you seek is not rooted in relationships with others; and in the relationship with yourself.

Excerpt from the book How it works life by andrew matthews-  Gnezdoto publishing house

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