He fell madly in love with ... himself

Photo: ©Pixabay

In the times of Love, everyone is busy inventing the most original wish for their partner, to present the most special gift. Everything is aimed at witnessing attention, attitude and Love to our most beloved being. And that's wonderful!

But this is also the most suitable time to think about the attitude, attention and Love that you show (or not) to ... yourself. Why in effort e
and you make others happy, as if you forget yourself? Isn't the most special relationship in your life your relationship with yourself? The eternal bond! Mutuallyheart-1503998_1280relationships in your life come and go. Some stay longer, others come, touch you and pass away like a summer breeze. Some relationships are deep and leave a lasting mark and transform your world view and your life. But your relationship with yourself is permanent. You can't give it up. You can't escape from it. And if every relationship in your life needs care and attention, then the one with you, the most.

Transform your relationships with you
himself in his priority. Start paying attention to the how do you feel, are you in harmony with yourself, do you take care of yourself, do you have time for yourself, do you smile often, do you feel satisfaction in the little things? Regardless of how difficult it is for you in everyday life, make a decision to get back the most precious thing - your love, your self-respect. Fall madly in love with yourself! Fall in love with your life again! And celebrate Love! The love for you! The love for your uniqueness!

Don't let your relationship with you become a given. She needs your care every day little by little. Water it! Weed her! Fertilize her! Provide both light and water! Take care of her! Point beautiful thoughts to her! And the little seed will have no choice but to sprout. And very soon you will discover how this little seed blossoms. And then it begins to bear fruit. And then you will feel how are those of yours healthy relationships are manifested in healthy relationships with people close to you. Because it is impossible to love another human being if you have not known that love before.

So, in the time of Love open your heart and soul and accept yourself there. The way you are. No reservations. No conditions. Just YOU and YOU! In a healthy and stable relationship.

A matter of decision. Make up your mind and go fell madly in love with ... himself! And then all your other connections and relationships will blossom.



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