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The meaning of life. The soul comes to Earth for six main reasons

The meaning of life. The soul comes to Earth for six main reasons

Sooner or later one thinks about the meaning of life. This is a much broader concept than it appears at first glance. After all, man is a complex being. Each of us is capable of determining the meaning of life at the level of human consciousness, although sometimes it is not so simple. But if we think about what the meaning of life is for the soul that descends to earth and incarnates in a human body, we can make interesting discoveries.

The meaning of life. The soul comes to Earth for six main reasons

In the periods of life when one loses the meaning of living, consider this, why should the soul to go through these trials, what tasks she came to perform in this reincarnation. Of course, each soul has its specific tasks, but we can single out the main reasons for the soul coming to earth in a human body - reasons common to all or almost all souls:

– Fulfillment of wishes;

– Growth and development;

– Repetition;

– Compensation;

– Retribution;

– Serving.

Six main reasons for the reincarnation of the soul and coming to Earth:

1. Fulfillment of wishes

This is one of the aspirations of the soul, as part of the Spirit World, even before the endless cycle of rebirths begins. And while the soul is in a human body, it either manages to fulfill its desires or it carries them further into the next lives, but even stronger and more intrusive.

Attachment turns desire into a very strong emotion, despair, leading to imbalance and as a result, that something we wanted so much turns out to be blocked and inaccessible to us. To prevent this from happening, we must desire something without painful biases, fear, and ego.

Some desires that lead the soul into human incarnation:

– to enjoy – to inhale the scent of flowers, to feel the breeze, to bathe in the warmth of the sun's rays, to listen to the songs of the birds and the sound of the sea, to taste, to feel, to feel, to enjoy.

– to express – to generate ideas, to admire insights, to present the beautiful and spread the truth, to create, to create, to paint, to sing, to write, to dance, to design.

– to know – to gain experience, to observe, to understand, to know, to experience.

– to grow up – to go beyond the ordinary, to break free from habits, to expand one's horizons, to explore new paths.

– to be in a relationship – to love and be loved, to feel kinship with others, to share, to help

and to serve.

2. Growth and learning

The soul strives for evolution. By going through various lessons and experiences on Earth, she develops, becomes wiser. Human perception in most cases marks significant victories and great gains, but we can look at ourselves and life with the eyes of the soul. This means that in every situation - bad or good - we should not forget about our eternal value. It always helps to move forward on the path of life.

By looking from this perspective, we cease to be helpless victims and become observers. But even if we go through difficulties and difficult situations, we must remember that troubles, sadness and pain are given to us not because of suffering, but because of the values - "pearls of wisdom" that we find along the way. It is a gift that we will receive when we can consciously experience our pain and emotions and release them. The next three points; repetition, compensation and retribution lead to balancing, transforming negative energies into valuable experience and releasing karmic debts.

3. Repetition

Soul intentions can be repeated from incarnation to incarnation. Sometimes we want to repeat a pleasant experience, such as true love or fulfillment through vocation. But it happens that souls also repeat unpleasant experiences: hard times or negative influences.

The thing is that during personal tragedies and catastrophes, souls accumulate a very strong emotional charge. And the soul is forced to go through such an experience again and again until it overcomes it. Over time, souls strive to free themselves from harmful, inappropriate relationships. They get out of the closed circle, restore the balance and purity of motivations.

Examples of repetition:

Actions that bring pleasure.

For example, if in one of our lives we did not have enough time for ordinary joys: admiring the sunrise or enjoying the taste of ripe strawberries - we have not fulfilled the desire of the soul. In the next life, the soul can show us exactly what to do so that we know what we have lost. At first glance, small things create the most beautiful episodes of life.

Repetitive biases:

Sometimes the sensation seems pleasant to us and can become so necessary that it becomes the driving force of our entire life. Food, cigarettes, alcohol and other addictions become so commonplace and important that they distance us from reality. If it happened like this in one of our lives, then in the next, as a rule, it is necessary to get out of such destructive algorithms, because biases interfere with our connection with spirit. In such a situation, the soul strives to free the person from dependence and bring him back to his true nature again.

Repetition of personal qualities:

For example, if you do not know how to assert your rights (such were the circumstances of your childhood), it is possible that this experience continues from previous lives. You may possess some quality which in the present life hinders you instead of helping you. In such a case, the task of the soul is to free you from these ingrained algorithms of behavior. Awareness, acceptance and will will help with this.

Recurring Relationships:

It happens that souls return at the same time to be together again. When there is love, acceptance, trust and respect for each other in the relationship - such a desire is understandable.

Read also:Happy things happen to happy people

But it happens that souls embodied in human bodies repeat negative, tense, and even humiliating relationships. Why?

The soul wants to learn its lesson and change this experience. So the duty of a person in such a situation is to clarify the real motives for these relationships, and then return to truth, love and honor. Even the event that seems terrible to us teaches us how we can transform a negative experience, become wiser and love more strongly.


4. Compensation

It occurs when very strong experiences from one life cause a strong reaction in the other. In these cases, we go too far in the opposite direction by trying to unfold energy from past experiences. Such compensation is so strong that it becomes the source of experiences absolutely opposite to those of the past life.

Examples of compensation:

Compensatory biases

An example would be an overweight person who has experienced hunger and malnutrition in the past. Strong biases are changed through cultivation and balanced behavior.

A strong desire usually becomes a karmic reason for compensation. When unfavorable circumstances persist for a long time, a strong desire for change appears. However, this desire may not come true as we would like it to or at all in this life in which it was relevant. For example, in your past life you did not realize yourself as an artist because you got married and did not take time for yourself, and in this life the relationship with your loved one did not work out because you were afraid of marriage in order not to lose himself in it again.

Compensation of strong imbalance

For example: you lived in opulence, servants fulfilled all your whims, but you treated them indifferently and without respect; it is very likely that in your next life you yourself will be in the role of a servant and even be a slave. But judging people and treating them with hostility brings retribution.

5. Retribution

Both compensation and retribution represent an energetic pendulum that swings from one extreme to the other. The difference is this: if compensation is a transformation of energy experience, then retribution is a return of your own energy from your current life to yourself. Moreover, retribution is not punishment, you are simply paying energetically in advance for your past mistakes: you will be treated as you now treat others.

Retribution in human reincarnations often manifests itself in a reversal of roles: two people in turn treat each other equally until one of them breaks the cycle. The cycle can be broken by releasing emotions, choosing our true power over illusions.

A few scenarios for retribution:

Condemnation, prejudice, inequality - retribution can occur as a result of your attitude towards certain people or a group of people. Judgment, outright hostility or heartlessness towards someone will cause you to experience this yourself.

Relationships between parents and children - if your childhood was accompanied by constant criticism and neglect from your parents, it is possible that in a past life you were just such parents.

Bad treatment of you causes a desire for revenge, but it is not at all necessary to keep the emotions that accompany this condition. You want to be loved and deserve love and recognition. Let go of negative feelings and old resentments, be a loving parent to yourself.

Love relationships - anger and rejection of love lead to retribution, which is expressed in relationships full of quarrels in attempts to prove who is right, who is guilty. An important lesson is encoded in such relationships: we must treat each other with compassion. And another lesson: both partners are equal.

When spouses seek to assert themselves through their own entitlement and power, they forget to care for each other. To get rid of such a karmic connection, free yourself from the desire to avenge the bad treatment, separate yourself from those who are not ready to move on. Start a new life filled with love for yourself and others.

6. Serving

It is the sincere desire to do good for the good of ourselves and others. One of the highest manifestations of love. True service radiates a very high vibration. If your service is not sincere, you are helping others out of pride, fear or conformity, the vibrations of your good deed will be clouded with negativity. And this can be a cause of unfavorable karma.

Serving shall be:

Karmic - your intention to serve is a reaction from your experience in past lives. For example, if in a past incarnation you had the self-confidence that you are something more than others and that everyone owes you, then in this life you may have a strong desire to help others.

#####Personal service

- increased care for the people around you, with whom you associate love and appreciation, comes naturally to you.

#####Spiritual service

– an act of free donation aimed at world goals. Because we are all interconnected, whatever happens to others happens to us. It turns out that by helping others, we help ourselves.

#####- Serving with pure intentions

- one of the highest goals of the soul's incarnation in a human body. And loving yourself and others will raise your vibrations, help you live in spiritual balance, and follow the path of service that comes from the heart. The soul has its aspirations and to deny that is absolutely pointless.

Even if you are not aware of your deep motivations, they nevertheless influence your actions and your life. But when conscious intentions match true needs and desires, miracles begin. Follow your feelings, because through them your soul speaks to you.

See also:The Three Doors of Wisdom

Source: Margarita Boncheva –

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