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A parable about the distance between hearts

A parable about the distance between hearts

A parable about the distance between hearts

A magical parable about the distance between hearts

One day the Master asked a question to his disciples:

- Why do you think that when people argue, they start yelling at each other?

- Because they get angry and go "beyond nerves"... - replied one student.

But why do they scream so loudly when they are close to each other. - continued the Teacher - Even if you are angry, can't you speak more gently and quietly?

Blessed is he who gives…

A young student went for a walk with his teacher. While they were walking and talking, opposite

The students began to give a variety of answers, but none of them pleased the Master. And finally he explained things to them in the following way:

– When people fight and are bitter towards each other, their hearts drift apart. And in order to overcome this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The bigger their argument, the louder they shout.

And have you noticed what happens when people are in love? Then it's the other way around, they talk to each other softly and gently. Because their hearts are very close to each other - the distance is very small.

What happens when they are even more in love? - continued the Teacher. - Then they don't talk, they just whisper to each other… Their love becomes even stronger and their hearts even closer. Finally, even their whispers become redundant. They just look into each other's eyes and understand each other without words.

Therefore, when you argue or quarrel with someone, especially a close person, don't let your hearts drift away from each other, don't say harsh words, which further increase the gap between you.

Because there may come a day when the distance has become so great that none of you can find your way back anymore.

The parable is part of the collection THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE. 150 PARABLES ON THE ART OF LIVING, Gnezdoto publishing house

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