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The Tenderness of SCORPIO - All About Scorpio by Linda GOODMAN

Scorpio zodiac sign

All about Scorpio

Scorpio dates: October 23 - November 21

Famous Scorpio men

Voltaire, Paganini, Johann Strauss, Dostoyevsky, Prince Charles, James Cook, Georges Bizet, Dostoyevsky, Vermeer, Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, René Magritte, George Eliot, Kurt Vonnegut, Lucchino Visconti, Ennio Morricone, Sam Shepherd, Bill Gates, Pele , Martin Scorsese, Alain Delon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew McConaughey, Gordon Ramsay, Bryan Adams, Georgi Milchev-Goji, Lubo Kirov, Emil Koshlukov, 

Famous Scorpio women

Astrid Lindgren, Grace Kelly, Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Demi Moore, Björk, Vanessa May, Hillary Clinton, Elena Petrova, Madeleine Algaffari, Evgenia Zhivkova, Paraskeva Dzukelova, Vesela Neinsky

Stones for Scorpio: Agate, Aquamarine, Chalcedon, Chrysoprase, dark red Carnelian, Garnet, Obsidian, smoky quartz, Rubin, Topaz

The scorpion is described in the encyclopedia as a nocturnal arachnid insect that attacks and paralyzes its victim by injecting venom through its long, curved tail. This tail serves both to protect and to destroy. The sting is sometimes fatal.

Everything you need for your zodiac sign

Astrology is one of the oldest and most serious sciences. The name "zodiac" is derived from the Latin "zōdiacus", which

When they hear someone was born in November

people very often respond with a meaningful exclamation. "Oh, you're a Scorpio!" they say with awe and undisguised awe. It happens that someone chuckles ambiguously, clearly aware of the notoriously lascivious nature of the Scorpio. It can be said that Scorpios themselves are sick of being treated with prejudice. But you think they are dangerous and cruel, right? Don't be so sure. Everything is relative. It is preferable to learn how Scorpio should be recognized. It will be useful to you. If you have to defend yourself, maybe to find a more perfect human being.

People from Scorpio zodiac sign they prefer to go incognito

and he usually succeeds, owing to his well-controlled nature. Look carefully into his eyes. Regardless of what they are - green, blue, brown or black, they pierce with hypnotic power. When Scorpio sets their eyes on someone, confusion follows. The fixated starts flirting or fidgeting. In fact, the example of the eyes is also the most basic way to distinguish the Plutonian personality of the Scorpio. His eyes pierce you mercilessly, penetrating deep into your soul. This is the indisputable truth.

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Then listen to his speech.

The timbre of the voice can be soft, hoarse or sharp, the intonation - calm and smooth, choppy or impetuous, but there is no disparagement or contradiction in his words. Scorpio is a complete person. He knows well what is and what is not, the opinion of others cannot change his convictions. The arrows of insults cannot strike him, compliments cannot soften him. Scorpio does not like to point out both his vices and his virtues. If he is in a good mood, he will accept your praise, but if he is not, he may find favor in your motives. A wandering-eyed, talkative Scorpio is something of an astrological exception, a rare species like the dodo bird.

Most people of this sign have an impressive physique.

Their features are distinctly large, sharp, their noses are large, sometimes humpbacked. Their skin is usually pale, almost transparent. Their eyebrows are thick, closed. There's something tense, electrifying about the Scorpio's presence – it gives it out, no matter how much he doesn't push himself. Its vital force never remains completely hidden. Pluto people only seem cool on the outside. They painstakingly maintain their apparent composure and calm to mask their restless spiritual nature.

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Such self-control is something to be envied.

No matter how excited the representatives of the Scorpio sign are, you will find it difficult to determine the feelings on his motionless face. He consciously and proudly maintains his stony visage. He forces his features to be stern and they obey. You would be hard pressed to meet a representative of this zodiac sign, who would betray himself with uncontrollable blushing, frowning or laughing. Scorpio smiles rarely, but sincerely. He controls well not only his face but also his body. It will hardly happen to him to jump from his seat, run or resort to nervous gestures.

He neither shrinks with worry nor puffs with pride. He tries to hide his reaction, because he is gifted with the ability to unerringly penetrate your nature, while remaining inscrutable to you - in this he has no equal. It is good to remember, however, that there is also a type of Scorpio who talks and moves quite quickly and who seem open and friendly.

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But attention!

Try to look deeper into the eyes of such a Scorpio and remember his behavior in your previous meetings. Is it not just a theater playing with this light-hearted chatter of its own? Know that on the inside he is as tough and determined as typical Plutonian personalities, in some ways even more dangerous than them because he deceives with a clever disguise. He seems harmless and good-natured, but be careful, because you can get into trouble.

Scorpios have to be careful.

Not because they are evil, but because they are not soft-spoken fools. Tell a Scorpio that he has a talent that will one day be recognized, and he'll casually say, “I know.” If you ask him if he'd do you a favor, he'll say, “Yes, of course.” Or, “No. , I can not." If you don't have strong nerves, don't ask Scorpio for advice or opinion. He will tell you the harsh truth. He doesn't fake compliments to please you or to win your friendship.

Cyprian prayer against evil forces and lessons

Until recently, the Cyprian prayer was among the liturgical texts that were said only by a priest.

Flattery is beneath Scorpio's dignity.

Therefore, if you hear something pleasant from him, you have reason to be satisfied. If he tells you that you have a nice voice, stop secretly humming to yourself and grab the microphone. If he says you have a wonderful voice, go straight to an audition in Covent Garden. He himself is capable of moving mountains to help you. Don't believe what they say about his selfishness. There are not a few people who will gratefully tell you how they benefited from his advice and generosity.

Scorpio has both devoted supporters and envious enemies. But even the enemies, albeit with displeasure, give him due respect, being careful not to provoke him. Those who have had the audacity to do so have well understood that attacking Scorpio and its planet Pluto is dangerous. It should not be forgotten that Pluto rules nuclear energy. And despite everything, the people of this sign radiate good-naturedness and are capable of deep sympathy for the sick and unfortunate. As cold as it can be, a Scorpio's touch can also be tender, even hot.

Exupery's Magnificent Prayer

this little-known prayer was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry during one of the most difficult periods

According to the position of the Sun in his horoscope, he can follow several paths.

It may be like the nocturnal scorpion, which fatally stings another creature or even itself for the sheer pleasure of killing, or it may be like its symbol the eagle, which soars above earthly misery and uses its might justly and wisely. Great generals like McCarter. presidents like Theodore Roosevelt and scientists like Marie Curie and Jonas Salk are Eagles. The most American presidents were born under this sign. As for night scorpions, you may have been stung by one of their representatives.

In ancient astrology they are called snakes. It is not difficult to guess to which species the Scorpio you met belongs. Some of Pluto's subordinates find themselves between the Eagle and the Stinging Scorpion and fall victim to their own black magic. These are the Gray Lizards. They exhibit a neurotic preoccupation with themselves, and their imaginations constantly give birth to premonitions of impending evils which may at any moment befall them. It's never too late for the Gray Lizard to become an Eagle.

Such a magical incarnation is natural for anyone born under the sign of Scorpio if they are able to summon the magic. Typical Eagles are fearless. Even ordinary Pluto men and women have the incredible stoicism to endure anything—physical pain and poverty, ridicule and failure. They experience all the blows of fate with proud contempt and complete confidence in their inner strength.

Prayer for peace of mind and tranquility

Read it often. Let it stay in your heart. Let your soul rest... Lord, give me peace To accept

Scorpio cares about his friends.

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends." Some Scorpios take this maxim wholeheartedly and willingly sacrifice themselves for their loved ones, friends and relatives. A Scorpio will never forget the gift you gave him or the kindness you showed him. One day he generously reciprocates these gestures. Naturally, he does not forget the insult and injustice, but in these cases he reacts in very different ways.

Scorpio's health picture fully corresponds to his nature.

He may destroy himself by unwise living, melancholy, or excessive work. But he is also able to recover amazingly quickly after a serious illness. Pluto's power knows no bounds. It should be known that Scorpios rarely get sick, but seriously. The best medicine for them is prolonged rest and mental reorientation – agreeableness should replace resentment. Scorpios know better than doctors and nurses that they cannot live long alone. Their most vulnerable places are the genitals, nose, throat, heart, spine, circulation, feet and ankles. Varicose veins and sports accidents with them are a common occurrence.

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Today I offer you a veritable treasury of the priceless wisdom of the East. Every thought is just as true

Scorpio is partial to matters of religion

life and death, sex. It shows a constant striving for renewal. But along with this, he is devoted to family and love, shows tenderness and patronizes children and weak creatures. He can be both a saint and a sinner. He can experiment with the darkest parts of Purgatory, or he can lash out implacably against sin and depravity. He is hypnotically attractive when he speaks from the pulpit, in the boardroom or on the stage, he literally captures the attention of the audience, transforms it.

Just give you chills!

Bitterness, drink, and melancholy can drive a Scorpio to crime, but you can bet your old edition of Dante's Inferno that even then other criminals will look up to him. Scorpio always selflessly defends everything he considers his own, including success, although his ambitions do not come to the surface. When he is subordinate to someone, he patiently waits for the hour to come when he will prove himself worthy of the higher post. He is moving towards his goal slowly but surely.

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He achieves everything he wished for.

And if he wishes for something, it is no longer a dream! The power of Pluto combined with a cool, single-minded and irresistible drive turns his wishes into reality in a magically mysterious way. Although as a result of his pathological desire to get to know the most sick and depraved part of humanity, Scorpio may become a Gray Lizard involved in drugs and crime, he could choose another fate by devoting himself to medicine - for him she has a particular fascination with the possibilities of medicine and the scalpel. Many of the world's most skilled physicians are ruled by Pluto, and with its help they heal the soul and body in an incredible, sometimes mystical way.

Scorpio has an innate sense of life and death

and so also the ability to master both if he chose. Ancient secrets captivate his brilliant mind. From his ability to penetrate deeply into human nature was born the remarkable detective, the great composer, the world-famous writer, the inimitable dramatic actor. Sometimes Scorpio prefers to live alone by the sea, to merge with its element, silent and powerful. At other times, wearing a cool mask of calmness, he faces the audience, but hides in an amazing way his desire to win.

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He can be a politician or a TV star, a manager or a bartender, but he is always ahead of his competitors. And he achieves it without any apparent effort, as if this was predetermined by fate, and not a firmly pursued goal. There is a very strange regularity in astrology – it is the death of a relative in the year before or after the birth of Scorpio. And in the year before or after Scorpio's death, a new person appears in his family. In ninety-five percent of cases, this rule is confirmed.

Pluto's symbol is the phoenix bird rising from the smoking ashes. Likewise, Scorpio represents resurrection. The color of November thistle is wrapped in the lifeless but dangerous beauty of scorpion honeysuckle. Have you ever breathed in its intoxicating scent in the stillness of the night? Then you must have understood why some people fearlessly reach for the donkey's thorns to feel the lovely tenderness of the Scorpio.

The explosive passion of Scorpio brings the deep wine-red color of the mineral hematite. But Scorpion steel is tempered in a burning furnace until it attains perfect smoothness and the power to control the nine spiritual fires of Scorpion wisdom.

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