A Handbook of Advice for Self-Illness

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"We diligently live, getting sick! We think that diseases of the soul and body are something that comes from outside, and we are not aware of our own contribution to self-illness," says the psychotherapist Madeleine Algaffari in the preface to his book "How to get sick qualitatively". In it, she shares some of the main mistakes we make in our lives that keep us further away from health.


Specific errors-conditions for individual diseases

The queen of mental anguish - depression! All the listed mistakes in this book get you it, but especially holding onto anger and not being able to be yourself. Depression is the opposite of aggression, it is auto-aggression – an inward-looking aggression that could not be directed outward. It is a perfect way to indirectly attack others when direct is impossible, because it manipulates, worries and assigns blame. You punish yourself, you also punish others - you get two in one! And you are in the Top 10 of today's diseases.

The main competitor of depression in this ranking is fear neurosis or panic disorder. To fall into its clutches, you need to be controllers, but unable to control your life with action - neither attack, nor humility, just standing in the mental control and behavioral vice of immobility. Thus the soul will inevitably react with panic.

If you want to get rid of the problem of chronic fatigue, then you just have to get tired of the problems or… have no goals. the people which have no goals, are tired. Because he who has no goals has worries that steal his energy.

For the more intrepid, there are more innocuous symptoms, for example – to feel dizzy. You will get quality vertigo if you are afraid of being unbalanced. The more you fear doing something unbalanced, the more it will seem to you that you are literally losing your balance, that the ground is shaking under your feet. Look for situations of uncertainty and fear of change.

If you are a woman, you can cause yourself problems with the ovaries or the entire reproductive apparatus, by rejecting your femininity, you do not believe that you can create and give life to ideas or things. By refusing to accept and wear out construction projects. Being afraid of beginnings. Be sharp, sharp, firm, give predominance to the male principle in you. This will cause the female to remind herself often through the problems in the reproductive organs.

If you want to set your prostate on fire, you must feel old and helpless. Do not give expression to your creative powers and constructive abilities. Let the weariness of life get to you after you can't control everything in it. Remember - the body only reflects our internal emotional processes. If you feel old, you will also have senile symptoms. It is so easy.

Do you want your hair to fall out? Then secure yourself a losing streak. With some delay after the losses, hair loss will also begin. It's important to identify with what you have and do, not who you are. Prolonged stress and a feeling of vulnerability are good conditions for progressive baldness.

If you prefer constipation, then squeeze everything with all your might - your emotions, your reactions, your belongings. Be stingy. Do not throw away! In general, be afraid of any waste of time, energy, money, people. Don't give! Don't let go of your past, your anxiety, your dark thoughts, your fear, your beliefs, even your envy. Do not make room for any new ideas, opportunities or changes in your life. Just stuff everything inside you.

Do you want to fill your life with nightmares? Fill your life with problems and do nothing to solve them. But most importantly, don't believe that you are capable of solving them. Problems can be of any nature. So they will haunt you even at night, when the conscious control is asleep, trying to get your attention, but they will speak in the symbolic language!

If you wish to have liver problems, then do not try to distinguish in life between what is tolerable to you and what is poisonous to you. Take in all possible poisonous emotions and experiences, surround yourself with poisonous people, and drink and eat as many poisonous things as you can (today this is not difficult), you will be beautifully intoxicated, and the liver problems will not slow down.

You want kidney problems! Great! So you need conflicts in partner relationships and lots and lots of squeezing, until the stones that accumulate from sediments in the soul are literalized in the form of kidney stones. And squeezing and holding gives you inflammation and all kinds of disturbances in the excretory organs. This is the disease of those who live in the dimension of "what others will say". Kidney crisis is one of the strongest pains aimed at making you pay attention to yourself, but don't give in! Others are more important!

The latest trends in disease target many arthritic and bone diseases. It will not be difficult for you to acquire such symptoms, since at the basis of them sits again the typical containment of aggression, as well as self-neglecting behavior in which you lose support, therefore the musculoskeletal system will suffer qualitatively. High criticism of oneself and others and paralysis of emotions are good conditions for immobility and joint pain.

Infections! You want to get inflammation? Ok! It's easy! Just avoid conflicts, don't notice them, don't admit them to yourself. Not your internal conflicts, not those with other people or circumstances. Then the conflict will be transferred to the bodily level and the internal war will begin in the corresponding place in the body, which usually symbolically reflects the type of conflict.

Diseases of the thyroid gland(it is no coincidence that its name derives from "shield" - the ability to assert personal space and protect our primal nature) are also a frequent symptom of the 21st century. If you prefer such a problem, thyrotoxicosis for example, then strive for premature pseudo-maturity, take care of others but not yourself, accept endless responsibilities and provide yourself with situations of fear and threat, which you do not respond to under any circumstances, because, if your behavior responds, your thyroid won't.

Author: Madeleine Algaffari

Source: webstage.bg

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