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Louise Hay: Don't let your thoughts control you!

Louise Hay: Don't let your thoughts control you
You will feel better once you realize that you are not a helpless victim, but the master of your mind

You are much more than your mind. You might think he's running the show. But this is only because you have trained your mind to think this way. You can both unlearn it and relearn this instrument of yours.

Don't let your thoughts control you!

The mind is a tool that you can use in any way you want.

You just habitually use it in a certain way, and habits, whatever they are, can be changed if we only wish to do so or understand that it is possible. Quiet the chatter of your mind for a moment and really consider the following: Your mind is a tool. You can choose how you want to use it.

Мислите, които „избирате“ да мислите, създават преживяванията, през които преминавате. Ако сметнете, че е трудно да промените някой навик или някоя мисъл, тогава изборът на това становище ще го направи истина за вас. Ако предпочетете да мислите: „Става все по-лесно да правя промени“, тогава самият избор на тази мисъл ще я превърне в истина за вас. У вас съществуват една невероятна сила и разум, които непрестанно откликват на мислите и думите ви.

By learning to control your mind through conscious choice of thoughts,

вие се настройвате към тази сила. Не си мислете, че умът е този, който контролира. Вие контролирате ума си. Вие използвате своя ум. Вие можете да спрете да мислите по стария начин. Когато старите мисли се опитат да се върнат и ви кажат: „Промяната е толкова трудна“, поемете контрол над ума си. Кажете му: „Сега предпочитам да вярвам, че става все по-лесно да осъществявам промените.“ Може да се наложи да проведете този разговор със своя ум няколко пъти, докато той проумее, че вие сте този, който контролира нещата, и каквото кажете вие, това става.

Your old thoughts are gone now;

all you can do about them is live the experiences they caused. Your future thoughts are not yet formed, and you do not know what they will be. Your present thought, the one you are thinking right now, is completely within your control.


If you have a toddler and you've been letting him go to bed whenever he wants, but suddenly you decide he has to go to bed at 8 o'clock every night, how do you think he'll react the first time? He will rebel against the new rule, he may start kicking and screaming, and he will do everything he can to not go to bed. If you give in this time, the child wins and will always try to lead you. However, if you calmly stick to your decision and firmly emphasize that this is the new bedtime, his resistance will weaken. After two or three evenings, the new regime will be established.

It is the same with the mind.

Of course he will rebel at first. He will not want to be trained again. But you hold the reins, and if you stay focused and steadfast, in no time the new way of thinking will be adopted. And you will feel so good once you realize that you are not a helpless victim of your own thoughts, but the master of your mind.

Heal Your Life - Louise Hay

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