The crystal children - the sages in children's bodies

If until recently the whole world was excited and talking about indigo babies, today another generation of children is increasingly obsessing the consciousness of humanity. Spiritual teachers from different parts of the world are convinced that a certain part of the current children are representatives of the next higher level in human evolution - the crystalline ones.

According to the researchers, these are the children born after 1998.

What makes them different from their indigo predecessors,

is their more developed sense of empathy (feeling the feelings of others) and their ability to feel more balanced and harmonious, happier and limitless. They are defined as peacemakers and sages in children's bodies. They are calm, they do not enter into conflict, but they know how to make their opponent humble themselves and, if he has ruded them, even apologize to them of his own accord.

Just one look at these children is enough to feel their hypnotic and constructive power on your consciousness. They know how to forgive and forget insults. They are not vindictive and always look for and find the good in others.

Не са малко изследователите, които смятат, че такива деца са се раждали по всяко време, но сега техният брой е значително по-голям, тъй като са призвани да ускорят човешката еволюция в духовен аспект. Затова ги и наричат още „учители на човечеството, които ни напътстват в духовния свят“.

You will recognize them by their large and expressive eyes, by their slow and calm gait. By the attention and attitude they show to others. By their manners and delicate behavior towards the world around them.

Some of the crystal children can only speak by the third year of their lives, but this should not worry their parents. Researchers are adamant that after that they develop significantly faster and are able to surpass their peers on a number of intellectual and spiritual indicators.

There are not a few experts who claim that crystal children even have telepathic abilities.

Crystal children are distinguished by their remarkable friendliness towards others, as well as the deep compassion they can feel when they unwittingly witness another person's suffering.

Many parents of such children report that they feel extremely well and calm.

Others talk about the surprise they felt when suddenly their child, while playing with their favorite toy, decided to shock with a profound statement like:

You must love each other because we are too short on this earth.

Many psychologists and researchers also believe that crystal children realize too early the transience of human life.

Help the child release the tension accumulated during the day with a Relaxing Tale for Children by Milena Goleva

Crystal children do not like aggression.

They do not feel well if they grow in a harsh and soulless environment. Screaming and high pitch hurts them. This is because they themselves are highly sensitive to the emotions and pain of others. Their strong sensitivity makes them vulnerable.

Crystal Babies adore nature and animals. They enjoy every living creature under heaven, from the ant to the elephant.

They like to be tidy and cozy, to be surrounded by happy and smiling people.

Привличат ги музиката и спорта. За тях е много важно да изразяват чувствата си, особено когато са изпълнени с любов. Те много добре знаят, че утре този човек до тях може и да го няма. Ето защо любимата им думичка е „Обичам те“.

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