How to stop being absorbent to other people's negative energy

Photo: ©Pixabay

I have been asking myself this question for a long time. Because I realized that in addition to sympathy, you also have to feel a sense of self-preservation. So that you can then be useful both to yourself and to the people who really deserve your attention and help. We all know people who use others as a mental waste bin. Or at least they try. People who are real energy vampires - always complaining, always dissatisfied, always needing sympathy. People who are capable of draining all your strength, all your positive energy in just 5 minutes. People who take out their complexes on the person opposite them. People who burn the dreams of others just because they have burned their own... After every meeting with them, you promise yourself that you won't let it happen again. That you won't burden yourself with their problems because they don't burden themselves with yours. In fact, there is never any time left to talk about yours. You promise yourself that you won't let their negativity dampen your optimism. But… you never succeed. Because you don't know how. You don't know how to protect yourself from their negative energy. You don't know how to save yourself. I didn't know how either. Until I came across this text on the web. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find its author. But in absentia I want to say a big Thank you! Because it helped me find long-sought answers…

Here are the 5 things you should do to stop absorbing other people's negative energy:

1. Remember you can't please everyone.

If someone is rude to you, if they show that they don't approve of you, if they're looking for conflict with you, don't waste your energy trying to get them to like you. Becoming dependent on his opinion of you will only make you sink deeper into his negative energy field.

you can't please everyone Take responsibility for your own thoughts and emotions Stop paying attention Be careful who you invite into your life

You can't have everyone like you. The most important thing is that you like yourself. When you achieve this, when you accept yourself, you will build a strong energy field around you that will repel the negative vibrations of others.

2. Be careful who you invite into your life.

Your body, mind and the environment in which you live and work are your temple. Who are you inviting to it? Anyone who wants to can come in? Does he wipe his feet before he does, or does he carry mud with him in your soul?

One should be generous, but that does not mean allowing oneself to be taken advantage of. Otherwise, he will not be able to help those who really need his support. The best thing you can do is learn to say "No".

3. Stop paying attention.

The parasite needs a foreign organism to live. When you pay attention to people with negative vibrations, you give them your energy. Perhaps you have become the "charger" for someone who has problems at work, in the family or with himself. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this. But only at first glance. When you become someone's "charger", it exhausts you to the point that you don't have the strength and desire to solve the tasks that stand before you yourself.

Learn to "mute" when you need to. Learn to switch off.

4. Breathe in nature.

Get out in the fresh air, meditate, rest, breathe. Cleanse your body and soul. Walk proudly with your head held high and don't let anyone make you angry. Someone once said that every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness. Don't take other people's anger. Don't give in to someone else's disappointment. Don't let anyone kill your happiness. Do not be like the caterpillar that swallows everything, becomes clumsy and heavy and crawls on the ground. Be like the butterfly - light and airy. Only then will you be able to fly.

5. Take responsibility for your own thoughts and emotions.

The universe sends people into our lives to put us to another test. It's up to you how you handle it. Only you can show what you have learned. Don't be a victim. No one has influence over you. Unless you let him. Connect with your inner center, discover your inner peace. Find peace within yourself. Then you will not be easily provoked, then the negative energy of others will not affect you.

But above all, before you consider others, ask yourself: when was the last time I considered myself?…”

Author: Kosara Vasileva


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