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The Sophisticated Harmony of LIBRA - Libra Horoscope - Linda Goodman

Sign Libra

Dates of Zodiac sign Libra: September 23 - October 22

Visible Libra men

Nietzsche, Giuseppe Verdi, Dmitri Shostakovich, Miguel de Cervantes, Mahatma Gandhi, Arthur Miller, Truman Capote, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Oscar Wilde, John Lennon, Gore Vidal, Andre Riou, Deepak Chopra, Vladimir Putin, Michael Dalgas, Matt Damon, Will Smith, Alfred Nobel, Vasko Vasilev

Visible Libra women

Annie Leibovitz, Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve, Monica Bellucci, Kate Winslet, Catherine Zeta Jones, Alex Raeva, Dilyana Popova, Milena Goleva, Maria Ignatova

Those born under the sign of Libra are kind and polite people.

If they are visiting you, however, they won't bother to fix the picture on the wall because it's hanging at one end. Or to turn off the too loud TV They like to be around people, but they can't stand gatherings and crowds. They mediate in quarrels and quarrels and calm the spirits. At the same time, their favorite pastime is to argue passionately. They are usually good and kind, but often moody and irritable. They hate orders and other people's orders.

Everything you need for your zodiac sign

Astrology is one of the oldest and most serious sciences. The name "zodiac" is derived from the Latin "zōdiacus", which
They are very intelligent

and at the same time naively gullible. One moment you will tire of their talk and the next they will be the best and most patient listeners. Tireless and restless by nature, they rarely rush or run. I guess I've already completely confused you. This sun sign is so contradictory that it amazes them, not just you. People think that Libra represents love, beauty, goodness and light. That would be great, but it's not accurate. Remember Eugene O'Neill and his plays.

Indeed, the symbol of this sign is the scales of justice. But people born under it are not always calmly balanced. Stop by a pharmacy and watch the pharmacy scales for a while. First one dish falls down, then it rises up and the other one falls. They move like this with less and less amplitude until they level off. Now you will no longer think that Libras are completely balanced, calm and kind people.

They are like that only half the time. The other half are confused, grumpy and gloomy. Before they die in perfect equilibrium like the apothecary's scales, they are now cheerful and in high spirits, now despondent. The hesitations follow one after the other. Therefore, in the end, their divine balance is magnificent.

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You may have heard friends say, “Oh no – We're in Mercury retrograde!” If not, and
I want to pay special attention to the appearance of people of this zodiac sign.

She is no less interesting than their character. A typical external feature is dimples – usually two on the cheeks or one on the chin. After the dimples, pay attention to the face. It has correct and pleasing features, well balanced. Even when angry, Libra never looks ugly. The voice is melodious and resembles a bell. That's why these people can say, "I hate you, and now I'm going to give you one!" and sound like they're reciting Browning's "How I Love You."

The planet that rules the sign of Libra is Venus.

Therefore, almost all women are beautiful, and men are handsome and presentable. Naturally, not all beautiful people on earth are Libras. However, the beauty of Venus is one and distinct from the beauty of the other sun signs. Even the Libras, who are not all that beautiful, have a charming expression. It's because of their smile. It transforms both the most undivided and the simplest of features - in the literal, not the figurative sense of the word. In general, the smile of Libra is a fluffy white cloud and a bright sun combined.

Libras are pleasant to others

and attractive with their dimples, always looking for beauty and justice and not capricious. You probably think that they are the caresses of fate, and the orissance has given them the best qualities. They are truly a pleasure to interact with, but only when the dishes are balanced. Because the same orisnica or fairy godmother, whatever you want to call her, is constantly tapping with her magic wand now one dish, then another.

She hesitates herself and transfers her indecision to poor Libra. And look what follows from that. First, words flow out of their mouths like a waterfall. In the next moment, they are meekly and patiently listening to others. When an argument breaks out around them, they pacify the disputants. And immediately they turn a hundred and eighty degrees, taking sides in the argument for the sheer pleasure of it.

How do we restart our lives when it seems too late?

Everyone goes through the same changes in life, whether it's getting older
Libra seeks harmony.

However, they often become addicted and go to extremes, thereby disrupting any harmony. They can be active and unusually efficient for days and months. To move mountains. To nap for a few hours and be on their feet again - cheerful, full of energy. But at some point, quite unexpectedly, they relax on the sofa and say: "That's enough!" Then even with a top you won't move them. They fall into such lethargy that they fully justify the other name of their sun sign - "Lazy Libra".

They read or yawn, doze and watch TV, powerless to even drag themselves to the bedroom. No external shocks can affect them, nothing reaches their consciousness. It's like they're aliens who don't hear and don't understand.

When the recovery time is up

they jump energetically and run again so that you cannot recognize them. Again they plan chambers of work and reject them with ease. Then tell someone around them that Libra is lazy, and they won't agree to anything in the world. As the one who has seen them in a moment of complete relaxation will not agree that they are the embodiment of boiling energy and business.

10 things we need to start doing for ourselves

We constantly hear and read that we should not do this or that. And when we are open to the world and positive
Despite their status, Libra is not a dual sign

at least not in the sense that it applies to Gemini. They do fall into one state, then another, but this has nothing to do with the absolute change of character in Gemini. Because Libras feel with their sixth sense that they must alternate periods of activity with complete rest in order to restore the harmony of their body. Perhaps their cells are designed like this.

But the harmony of reason and feeling does not always obey this sixth sense or instinct.

That is why they are able to cry with joy and tenderness, then to scold sharply and unrestrained, and the next moment to turn into merrily chirping birds. In each of these moments, however, their feelings are sincere and strong. They also tend to take philosophically both the funny and the sad in life. This helps them maintain their mental health and peace of mind.

The greatest danger to Libra's health lies in their addiction to something.

Libras can be healthier than others if they don't overwork themselves and observe the exact alternation of work and rest that their body requires. When they are sick, they need complete rest without any emotional experiences. Soft music, a good book and pleasant encouraging words will soon get them on their feet. The character of those born under this sun sign is composed equally of a tendency to endless arguments, a search for truth and balance, indecision, a desire for mediation, stubborn intransigence, pursuit of the logic of things, justice and kindness.

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As you can see, the positive qualities prevail.

Let us now examine and illuminate these sun traits individually. We will start with the most characteristic - the desire for arguments. Libras always find something to argue about, with or without occasion. About the weather, for example. In general, it does not matter much to them which side of the dispute they will advocate, as long as it is the opposite. If they find it interesting, they can change their position in the middle. Tell them you like a certain movie and they'll list its flaws. Make it fluff and dust and they'll rave about it.

Praise a book and you will hear criticism of its style. Destroy it and its merits will be pointed out to you. And with all this continuous logical reasoning, Libra tries to be fair.

They seek the truth, the right answer, after considering and weighing all the possibilities.

Of course, this is a very good quality, as long as you don't lose patience and go crazy with endless deliberation and weighing. Or that it does not lead the Libras themselves to a state of constant indecision. Otherwise, with his ability to make accurate and fair judgments, General Libra is an excellent strategist who can win the battle in advance with a carefully thought out plan. For him, justice is everything. His ability to consider others, to calm nervous tension, to balance makes him the best mediator and parliamentarian.

War and bloodshed make him suffer. He hates them. So he will let someone else make snap decisions under fire while he plans brilliant strategic maneuvers to save thousands of lives and win victory.

If they have unfavorable placement of the planets at their birth,

Libras can be endlessly indecisive. In the morning, they will hesitate which shoe to put on first or which side of the bed to get up on. At their workplace, they will be looking for the right solution for a long time, until the time for this irretrievably flies by. In company, they can drive you crazy, hesitating where to sit and what to take. They like to reason like this: "If I do this, something will happen." On the other hand, if I do the opposite, I just see this and that happen.''

And their dishes sway up and down in a daze. It is excruciating to watch such wavering Libras from the sidelines. On top of that, they don't like anyone to bother them and make them rush in moments of reflection. If you show impatience, they will become so stubborn that even Taurus will pale in front of them.

Impatience is a quality that most Libras can't stand.

Unbalanced, hasty and impulsive people throw them straight into panic. The funniest thing about the whole situation is that they vehemently deny their indecision. If you try to connect the behavior to their sun sign, they will recoil in offense: “I'm not indecisive. That's not true and doesn't give a damn about me.” Try to hide your smile. For themselves, they think that they are even very decisive and firm, because, although they need time to determine their opinion (this they forget in an instant), once they make a final decision, they will not change it for anything in the world.

Very few of those born under the sign of Venus are eccentric or arrogant.

The majority are noble, honest, and in their fluctuations resemble a lush wheat field with ears swaying gracefully in the wind. Negligence is foreign to them. They know how to focus on their work, to think deeply and carefully about the details. They don't like to rush things or start something hastily and then have to repeat it. They detest unworthy outbursts of anger, though they themselves are subject to such extremes if their personality is subjected to violence.

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Libra loves the harmony of sounds and colors.

They have an innate sense of the precise use of words – both written and spoken. Therefore, they treat books with great respect and usually have rich libraries at home. They prefer luxurious and beautifully printed books to cheap pocket editions.

They are subject to art. They adore everything good, clean and beautiful, against the background of which they can stand out. Artistic souls, they are usually at the center of cultural life and events. Soft light, soft soothing music, interesting conversation, good food and good wine enliven them.

Their mind has both the brilliance of a diamond and the gentle glow of an opal.

They move in the mobile element of air and reflect the usefulness of copper - the metal that brings them Happiness. There is a certain coolness and aloofness in their intelligent reasoning and subtle sense of humor, and Venus illuminates them with calmness.

One dish of Libra is full of the bright golden leaves of October, bringing the breath of autumn, and the other - with bouquets of shy violets, drenched in the fresh scent of April rain. As soon as the dishes are rocked, serene optimism is replaced by silent panic or lonely depression.

And if they balance themselves, a perfect harmony is established between their rich awake intellect and gentle responsive soul.

Winter is too cold. Summer - too hot. They must mix one with the other to achieve the perfection of autumn and spring. When you understand the mystery of Libra, you will truly understand the people of this sign.

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