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I want to live next to human people, very human

I want to live next to human people, very human

I counted my years and found that I have less time left in this world than the time I have lived so far.

I feel like that boy who won a bag of goodies. It eats some of them quickly and with pleasure, and when it notices that it has little left, it begins to swallow them slowly, enjoying every bite. He carefully selects the moment of the next feast, foretastes it, feels with every cell of his, to the deepest fibers of his body, the sweetness of the delicacies.

I don't have time for endless meetings anymore, where statutes, norms, rules, methods of action, internal regulations are discussed, with the full awareness that the talks will lead nowhere.

I don't have time to put up with absurd personalities anymore, who, regardless of their age, have not grown up. I don't have time for mediocrity. Nor do I want to attend gatherings where inflated egos parade.

I do not tolerate manipulators, interested parties, careerists, maneuverers.

I am angered by individuals who try to discredit the more capable in order to usurp their places, ascribe their talents and achievements to themselves.

I hate to witness the struggle for a more important place, to observe the effect it produces among the more ambitious.

I despise people who argue not about content, but about titles. My time is too valuable to bother with titles.

Искам есенцията, ядрото, същността, душата ми бърза…

Няма много лакомства в пакета…

I want to live next to human people, very human, above all else, human.

People who like to laugh at their mistakes.

Who do not fuss about their successes and do not forget themselves.

Who are not considered the chosen ones, an elite superior to the rest. Before they really became one.

Who do not run away from their responsibilities.

Who protect human dignity.

Who don't want to nothing but to go hand in hand with truth and justice, honor and dignity.

The essential, the basic, the simple, the ordinary, the natural, the most basic, that is what makes life valuable. Which makes our journey in this world worthwhile.

I want to surround myself with people who know how to touch the heart of others and can do it.

People who have not been hardened by the cruel blows of life, but have grown with a softness in their souls. Whom misfortune has made wiser.

Yes, I rush to live with the intensity that only adulthood can give me.

I want to not waste any of the goodies I have left. I'm sure they'll be even sweeter than the ones I've eaten so far.

My goal is to reach the end calm, at peace with my loved ones and with my conscience.

Надявам се, че това един ден ще стане мечтата на всички ни, защото така, или иначе, ще стигнем до края…А защо да не бъде с радост и удовлетворение?

A collection of guided meditations by Milena Goleva

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