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James Redfield with your books The Celestine Prophecies revealed many of the secrets of the universe to the general public. Today we publish


to remind you of them and help you in your pursuit of happiness.

The first revelation

In the last 30 years, there has been a spiritual awakening in human culture. Enough people are beginning to see their lives as spiritual journeys in which mystical happenstance is our guide. The first revelation concerns the MYSTICAL COINCIDENCES that occur in the lives of each of us.

For centuries they were seen as mere coincidences in which no meaning could be found. We can easily see that this is not the case when we look back at the twists and turns of our past—how we lived and were formed in the family we came from, how people influenced our initial interests and educational choices, and profession, what paths have crossed to bring us to what we represent today.

The second revelation

The second revelation helps us find a broader perspective on the world and understand the significance of the historical events that have happened up to now. We are only now beginning to realize that for centuries we have existed in a DEEP SLEEP. Anyone who has once experienced a "celestial moment of enlightenment" shakes off the clinging to material security and well-being.

The European Renaissance began when people lost confidence that church officials could faithfully present spiritual reality to them. Then they provide science with the opportunity to explore the world around us and reveal the spiritual nature of man. And scientists have set out to investigate the forces that until recently were believed to drive our universe.

But the loss of trust caused by the failure of church officials has created a deep sense of existential uncertainty. What is the real one meaning of human life? And here man has begun to try to overcome his sense of insecurity by redirecting his attention to another goal - material progress. We have decided to settle on this earth by improving the material conditions of our lives - at least until we begin to understand the truth about the SPIRITUAL SITUATION in which we find ourselves.

The third revelation

Gradually we begin to find that the universe we live in is not entirely material, but a universe of dynamic energy. Everything that exists is a field of energy that we can sense and feel intuitively. What's more, we humans are able to project our energy by focusing in the desired direction - wherever we direct our attention, energy flows, influencing other energy systems and increasing the rate at which coincidences occur, in our life.

With a series of discoveries, Einstein was the first to question the predictability of the Newtonian universe, which is a set of rigid bodies that interact in a precisely defined way. Einstein turned this whole world view upside down. He shows that MATTER, after all, is not solid, but actually REPRESENTS ROLLED UP to great DENSITY and FORMED - ENERGY.

All of Einstein's discoveries, with the same force, transformed the old views of the world. TIME is not a constant quantity, it is relative and DEPENDS on the mass and velocity of an object. Further research, in the field of physics, led to the discovery of particles appearing in two places at once, or disappearing and reappearing, in places.

The fourth revelation

Often people become disconnected from the great source of energy, for our energy systems, and feel weak and insecure. In order to gain energy, in such cases, we are willing to manipulate, or forcefully attract the attention of others in order to draw energy from them. When we succeed in gaining power over them, we feel a surge of strength, but as soon as we lose influence, we weaken again and remain even more exhausted, so that we have to fight to restore the energy taken away.

Rivalry and struggle for scarce human energy - this is the cause of all CONFLICTS between people. We are all familiar with the experience of someone trying to undermine our self-esteem and confidence in what we know and can do in order to confuse us and make us their puppets. And if we try to fight against such behavior, in which we are underestimated and thrown out of balance, misunderstandings immediately arise, which are often difficult to resolve.

The fifth revelation

Feelings of insecurity and aggression cease when we feel our CONNECTION with the Divine energy within ourselves, a connection that mystics of all religious traditions speak of. A sense of light, a rush of vitality and a constant feeling of love are the dimensions of this CONNECTION. If these dimensions are present, then the RELATIONSHIP is real. If not, it is only claimed for her.

The mystics have left descriptions of the very nature of this experience of CONNECTION with the DIVINE and given us some precise criteria by which to judge our own experiences. First of all, they tell of such a surge of vitality that one suddenly feels as if one is "not treading on this earth." There is also evidence that some mystics even levitated during these states of ecstasy.

Another indicator is the feeling of euphoria, joy, peace of mind, independent of the specific life situation in which a person finds himself, and freeing the soul from any attachment to earthly things. Freed so that one acts and creates, according to conscience.

Finally, the feeling of LOVE is the most frequently described characteristic of true inner CONNECTION with the DIVINE. Experiencing does not consist in telling yourself that you love, or that you should love. It is an actual state of LOVE. Moreover, it has often been misunderstood because we are used to thinking that one must have an object of one's love in order to love. We love our fiancé or fiancée, our child, our parents, or even some kind of activity. But the mystical state of LOVE is LOVE, as constant communion, with God.

The Sixth Revelation

The more constant our CONNECTION with the DIVINE, the more clearly we are aware of those moments when we lose CONNECTION, usually under the influence of some stress. In such moments, we ourselves can determine in what way WE SUCK ENERGY FROM OTHERS.

When we become clear about our own method of manipulating other people, it becomes easier to overcome it and maintain a more permanent CONNECTION with the Divine Source. This helps us to discover our individual path of development, in life and our spiritual MISSION - what our PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION can be - for the SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION of the world.

When we discover and experience INNER CONTACT with the SOURCE of Divine energy, within ourselves, we begin to acutely feel those moments when we lose that contact. It is easy to find that this happens, usually in times of stress, when we feel particularly insecure and feel like we have to take control of our lives and our relationships with people again.

The Seventh Revelation

When we understand what our PERSONAL MISSION is, we give a new impetus to the course of MYSTICAL COINCIDENCE that leads us to our DESTINY. Initially, we are faced with a problem to solve, in which dreams, visions, intuitive insights begin to appear to us, leading us to find the answers, which usually come, by virtue of SYNCHRONICITY, from someone.

When we once discover the "truth" we came to tell - our own message about the meaning and purpose of human life - mystical coincidences, the phenomena of SYNCHRONICITY, begin to manifest with us more and more often.

When they discover their MISSION, some of us are prompted to change professions. Others find that they are exactly in that place that allows them to tell people their truth. Still others continue to practice their profession while simultaneously following their spiritual MISSION as a vocation.

But no matter what stage of development we are at, we will definitely find that the manifestations of SYNCHRONITY in our lives have a direct relationship to how well we follow our own MISSION.

The eighth revelation

We are able to cause the more active manifestation of PATHWAY EVENTS in our lives if we RAISE our CONSCIOUSNESS in such a way as to raise the CONSCIOUSNESS LEVEL of the people with whom our life path crosses. We must take special care not to lose our inner connection with the Divine Source of energy by falling into romantic infatuations.

Working in a group can be very effective when everyone directs energy to each one of the group so as to raise their CONSCIOUSNESS LEVEL. For children, it is of particular importance that they be given energy voluntarily in order to grow up with a sense of security and develop properly.

When we see the beauty, in every face, we raise the CONSCIOUSNESS LEVEL of those around us, giving them the opportunity to manifest themselves, in their wisest essence, thereby increasing our chances of hearing from them, something important, in the sense of the SYNCHRONIC MESSAGES.

The Ninth Revelation

As we all evolve towards the full realization of our SPIRITUAL MISSION, the technological means of ensuring existence will become fully automated, and humans will focus all their attention on the SYNCHRONOUS PRINCIPLE of SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT.

This DEVELOPMENT will help people reach higher and higher ENERGY LEVELS and STATES until finally our BODIES TRANSFORM - into their SPIRITUAL FORM and UNITE this dimension, of existence, with the dimension of the afterlife, placing, on this way, END – of the cycle of birth and death.”

From The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

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