Bhutan - the only country in the world with a Ministry of Happiness

Photo: ©Pixabay

Today we travel to the mountains of South Asia to meet some of the happiest people on the planet. Bhutan is the only country in the world whose official religion is Tantric Buddhism. Therefore, the main goal of the government is the pursuit of happiness for every citizen, which is enshrined in Article 9 of the Constitution.

In 2008, the Gross National Happiness Commission was established, headed by the Prime Minister.

The question "Are you happy?" is asked during censuses. In the course of the last population census in 2005, 45.2% of the population answered this question with "very happy", 51.6% with "happy" and only 3.3% with "not very happy".

Interestingly, the generally accepted concept of "gross domestic product" in Bhutan has been replaced by a more relevant indicator - "gross national happiness". Bhutan is the only country in the world to have a Ministry of Happiness, thus it is a cornerstone of national policy.

It is a truly unique country without hunger and crime, where people live in joy without knowing what it is

Photo: ©Pixabay
Photo: ©Pixabay

war and poverty. The Bhutanese themselves, unlike other countries in the region, are open, hospitable and keep their unique culture alive.


In Bhutan, no one has the right to kill animals - hunting is prohibited, so almost everyone is vegetarian. The import of chemical fertilizers is prohibited here, so everything that grows on this land is ecologically clean. Another interesting feature of the country is that forests in Bhutan are not cut down, but on the contrary - only reforested. It can be said that it is the land of Buddhism, purity and enlightenment.

The kingdom entirely produces the food and clothing it needs. And all its inhabitants wear the national costume - kho.


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