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9 things that affect your mood

9 things that affect your mood

Do you ever get out of bed in the morning and just know you're going to have a bad day. And not because you are depressed, but simply because your inner voice is categorical on the matter. The following 9 facts will help you understand what causes changes in our mood and how you can avoid negative influences.

1. A bad mood is contagious.

Scientific studies show that people who are constantly in a bad mood take it out on others to ease their emotional burden. In one study, students had to live with pessimistic roommates - it turned out that after only a few months they "absorbed" their negativity.

So, the next time you're in a bad mood for some inexplicable reason, don't be too hard on yourself - it's possible that someone else's burden has been transferred to you.

2. Walking on a sunny day - for or against?

We all know that a walk in the park on a nice sunny day is good for our tone. Be careful though – if you stay in the sun for too long, your mood can drop. A study conducted in Italy showed that squinting due to bright light increased 40% irritability in humans. The reason for this is the connection between the facial muscles and the brain. When we smile, even forcefully, the brain recognizes the movement of the face, associates it with happiness, and our mood improves. The same logic applies to squinting. It resembles the facial expressions we make when we are irritated and aggressive. The brain gets "confused" because it thinks we are angry and as a result makes us feel that way. So, the next time you go for a walk, be sure to take your sunglasses with you!

3. Colors affect our mood.

For example, red is the color of blood. That is why it evokes in us a feeling of warmth, passion... When we see red, our heart starts to beat faster.

4. Dehydration leads to frequent changes in infusions.

This is what the latest research shows. Just 1% dehydration makes you feel tired, depressed, demotivated and weak.

5. Social networks

Scientists have found that people lose some of their sense of satisfaction with their own lives when they look at photos on their friends' profiles. In addition, social networks can also be very obsessive, consuming a large part of your time. This, in turn, can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, depression and even eating disorders.

6. The way we eat determines how we feel.

It turns out that diet affects our mood. The healthier you eat, the happier you will feel. For this purpose, emphasize fruits, vegetables, foods rich in proteins (fish, eggs, white meat, crustaceans, beans, peas...), as well as whole grains. Avoid overeating in the evening before sleep. This will make digestion difficult while you sleep, and you will wake up tired and depressed in the morning. Avoid foods that contain starch (difficult for the body to process) and "empty" calories (i.e. with a lot of calories but little benefit for the body - candy, fried products, alcohol, white flour and white rice...). Their consumption will make you feel tired and lazy.

7. Big things make us braver.

Yes, it's scientifically proven! A study put participants in simulators of two types of cars - a large SUV and a small car. People in the first group demonstrated greater confidence and self-esteem on the road. Unfortunately, however, they also showed a tendency to commit violations and run away with impunity.

8. Body posture affects our mood.

Studies show that if you stand upright, you automatically start to think more optimistically and remember good events. How you walk is also important. If your shoulders are straight and your head is raised, you will feel more self-confident, you will perceive yourself and the world more positively. A sluggish gait and slouched posture, in turn, will "suck" your energy and make you feel depressed.

9. Money can make your life easier, but it won't make you happier.

You might think that winning the lottery will make you happy. It is, but it will be for a short time. A study shows that people who won the lottery are not happier than others and that they even face more problems that burden them - how to distribute the money, what to invest it in so as not to lose it... On the other hand it has been proven that when we donate, we feel better and more satisfied with ourselves and with life.

Meditation Positive affirmations (for every day) with author Milena Goleva

See also: Your happiness does not depend on anyone else! Take responsibility yourself!

Source: / Gergana Labova

Read more: How to achieve harmony, health and happiness through gratitude?

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