9 health benefits of thyme. How to take thyme?

9 health benefits of thyme. How to take thyme?

Thyme is an herb in the mint family that you probably recognize from your spice rack. But it is much more than an additional ingredient.

Its range of use is impressive and there are over 400 subspecies. The ancient Egyptians used it in their embalming practices, while the ancient Greeks used it as incense. Thanks to its distinctive taste, thyme has remained a culinary ingredient to this day. Thyme is also quickly gaining a reputation for its healing properties, such as its ability to help treat acne and high blood pressure. If you're tired of buying and trying acne medications that don't work well, you might be in luck. Thyme is known for its antibacterial properties and may have a future as an acne-fighting ingredient. When thyme is soaked in alcohol for days or weeks, it becomes a solution known as a tincture. Researchers from Great Britain have tested the effects of Thyme tinctures on acne.

thymeIn one study done on thyme tincture, the findings were impressive. This natural herbal preparation fights pimples better than acne products that include benzoyl peroxide. Time will tell if this drug is an effective acne treatment.

How to take thyme?

Thyme for lowering blood pressure

A study found that thyme extract was able to significantly reduce heart rate in rats with high blood pressure and was also able to lower their cholesterol. One surefire way to use thyme to help lower your heart rate is to mix it with salt in your food.

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Thyme to stop cough

Thyme essential oil, which is obtained from its leaves, is often used as a natural cough remedy. A study showed that a combination of thyme and ivy leaves helped relieve cough and other symptoms of acute bronchitis. The next time you're dealing with a cough or sore throat, try drinking thyme tea.

Thyme to boost your immunity

Getting all the vitamins your body needs each day can be a challenge. Fortunately, thyme is full of vitamin C and is also a good source of vitamin A. If you come down with a cold, thyme can help you regain good health. More health benefits of thyme: it is a good source of copper, fiber, iron and manganese.

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Thyme for disinfection

Mold is a common and potentially dangerous air pollutant that can be lurking in your home. Once you identify it, take the necessary steps to get rid of it once and for all. Thyme oil may be the answer for low concentrations of mold. Thyme and thymol essential oil have many fungicidal properties. A study suggests that it can be used as a disinfectant in homes where there is a low concentration of mold.

Thyme to get rid of pests

Тимолът също е съставка на много пестициди – както на открито, така и на закрито – и често се използва за насочване на бактерии и вируси, както и на плъхове, мишки и други вредители по животните.Неотдавнашно проучване показва, че екстрактът от мащерка може да отблъсне комарите, но отглеждането му в градината ви не е достатъчно. За да постигнете най-добри резултати в борбата с вредителите, разтрийте листата от мащерка между ръцете си, за да освободите етеричното масло. Можете също така да направите домашен репелент, като смесите четири капки масло от мащерка към всяка чаена лъжичка зехтин или смесете пет капки за всяка чаша вода.

Thyme for good smells

Organic and natural skin care products can now be found in most stores, and many contain thyme. Thanks to its antiseptic and antifungal properties, it is a common ingredient in mouthwash. Thyme is also a popular ingredient in natural deodorants and is often included in their formulation.

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Thyme to boost your mood

Thyme essential oil is often used for aromatic and therapeutic purposes due to its active ingredient carvacrol. In a 2013 study, carvacrol was shown to affect neural activity in ways that boosted subjects' sense of well-being. So if you regularly use thyme or thyme oil, it can have a positive effect on your feelings and mood.

Thyme as a food additive

Thyme is a wonderful ingredient that is used in cuisines all over the world, especially in France, Italy and the Mediterranean. Fresh leaves or whole sprigs can be used when cooking meat or poultry. Thyme is also an excellent ingredient for cooking with fish.

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