7 healthy breakfast foods

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as it provides your body with energy for the day's challenges and your brain's work. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which can be especially important if you have Overweight or obesity. But what are the best offers before us for a real one healthy and filling breakfast?

The healthy breakfast includes admission of healthy foods like whole grain foods, fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins, vegetable fats and liquids. One healthy breakfast may include proteins such as eggs, meat or nuts; healthy carbohydrates like cereals or oat flakes; healthy fats such as avocado or olive oil; and healthy drinks such as water, herbal tea or freshly squeezed juice.

The health benefits from healthy diet include reduced risk of diabetes, stroke, obesity, heart disease and cancer. A healthy diet also helps you lead a healthy life Lifestyle, which significantly increases the chances of a longer life.

What should you eat for a healthy breakfast?

Here are seven healthy breakfast foods, to try:


I'll start with a Bonus: Start your day with a glass of warm water in the morning - about 40-45 degrees. Drink it in slow sips right after waking up!

healthy oatmeal

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal or oatmeal is one of the best and healthiest breakfasts you can eat every morning, as it is rich in healthy carbohydrates and fiber that give you a lot of energy to get through the day. Eating 1 cup of oats provides about 64% of the recommended daily intake of manganese, 34% of the recommended daily intake of iron, along with other important nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus and thiamin. Oatmeal also has very low glycemic index, so they won't cause your blood sugar levels to spike. Oatmeal is high in fiber and low in fat and cholesterol, making it an excellent choice for people who need to watch their weight or control their cholesterol levels. Oats are also high in soluble fiber, which can help lower blood cholesterol when eaten regularly.


2 eggs:

compared to others healthy foods like vegetables and healthy sources of protein like lean meat, eggs are very nutritious. If you're looking for healthy, nutritious breakfast ideas, eggs are a great option to consider. One large egg contains only about 70 calories, but contains 6 grams of high-quality protein along with important vitamins and minerals such as B12, selenium, folate and iron. Eggs also have antioxidants that help scavenge free radicals so they can promote healthy cell growth.

3. Fruit and vegetable juices:

Yes, juice can be a wonderful addition to a meal in the morning, but… not juice from a box, but freshly squeezed. All kinds of juicers can be found - centrifuges or slow-rotating machines for every budget. Working with them is easy and the combinations you can achieve depend on your imagination. Carrot, apple, celery, red beet, pepper, lemon orange - combine them according to what you have in your home and your tastes.

4. Vegetables:

eating fresh vegetables for breakfast can provide healthy vitamins such as A, C, and E. Vitamin A is an antioxidant vitamin that can help fight inflammation, while vitamin C is good for healthy vision and healthy skin. Vitamin E helps you get energy from food, which means healthy vegetables at breakfast can help your body function better throughout the day. Examples: peppers, tomato, carrot, leaves, cabbage leaves, avocado...

5. Healthy Protein:

healthy sources of protein include lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts and legumes. Eating healthy sources of protein for breakfast provides beneficial nutrients such as iron for transporting oxygen throughout the body or high-quality amino acids for building muscle.

6. Fruits:

the rich color of blueberries, blackberries and raspberries means they are full of healthy antioxidants that can protect cells from free radicals in your body. Antioxidants reduce inflammation throughout the body and may also reduce atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) by suppressing cell DNA damage, reducing cell proliferation, or reducing plaque buildup.

Fresh fruits can be a healthy and nutritious snack because they are full of healthy ingredients like fiber and water, which help you stay full longer after a meal and support healthy digestion. Fruits also have many vitamins and nutrients that can keep you healthy throughout the day. Please do not start with an apple on an empty stomach due to the increased acidity. But instead, use blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, half a banana (keep in mind that it is quite high in calories, although useful)...


7. Yogurt:

healthy yogurts can be a great breakfast choice because they are high in protein and calcium and low in fat, making them a healthy addition to your day. Yogurt is also high in probiotics and healthy bacteria, which helps support healthy digestive system function. Always choose unsweetened varieties and my recommendation is to stick to normal fat choices. Low-fat options are not as good for the gut as commonly advertised. Personally, I choose milk with Bulgarian milk sour leavens.

Some ideas:

Omelet with vegetables: omelettes are a healthy breakfast choice because they contain protein (from eggs) plus additional healthy ingredients such as vegetables (eg mushrooms, onions, peppers) that provide additional vitamins and minerals to start your day off right.


– Smoothies: Smoothies can also be healthy breakfast options, especially those that contain fruit and yogurt (which provide healthy carbs and lean protein). You can also add other healthy additions like flaxseed or wheat germ for even more nutritional benefits. A smoothie is a healthy choice for a filling and quick breakfast because you can use any combination of fruits and vegetables to combine slow carbohydrates with healthy proteins and fats to keep you full for several hours. They are also easy to prepare. The combinations can be endless.

Smoothies are also a great healthy breakfast choice if you're trying to lose weight, as they allow you to control the amount of carbohydrates in them.

Arabic bread (burrito or wrap) for breakfast: a wonderful option for a nutritious breakfast, because they combine healthy ingredients such as eggs (proteins), beans (fibers), tomatoes, avocados, onions, etc., which all contribute to a healthy start to the day. Combining these products with cheese, olive oil, olives brings additional healthy ingredients and health benefits to your healthy, delicious breakfast.

What breakfast foods should you avoid?

Foods high in sugar, saturated fat and salt are bad for your health. Avoid sugary treats like cakes, donuts and candy. Unfortunately, pies and pastries also fall under the category of things that we rarely eat. Never drink coffee, black or green tea on an empty stomach! And forget about all kinds of carbonated drinks.

Snacks are often high in calories, so it's important to keep portions small if you want to maintain your weight. Taking small steps and changes, such as changing one thing in your breakfast for the better, will make your path to healthy weight levels much easier over time.


The fact that something has a label useful or healthy in no way means that you should overdo it. Healthy food may also not be very good for you if you don't watch your portion size. It's also important to have variety. Make a list of 4-5 options for a pleasant, tasty and healthy breakfast and alternate them. For example, today - oatmeal with yogurt, tomorrow a smoothie, the next day an omelette, etc. In this way, you guarantee yourself a varied and healthy menu that takes care of your body.


I hope this article is both informative and helpful; I sure had fun making it (it probably shows). Please do not share it with friends and family to help them learn more about health and take care of themselves with pleasure.
❤️Sharing is caring❤️


Source: nutriveda.bg

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